Monday, December 06, 2004

Return of the Blog

We have struck it rich liao, gentlemen. Now we can make a trilogy of the history of our blog, namely-A New Blog (Ep. 1), The Zeng Strikes Back (Ep. 2) and The Return of the Blog (Ep 3). Coming to all temples near everyone. Check it out guys.

Really ah, not I want to say, technology nowadays really very advanced. Yours truly linpae clean his marble ass also need at least five, six swipes of the toilet paper lor. For big business need like six, seven swipes. But hor, three months of creative energy can wipe out with just one mouse click. So according to the Conservation of Energy-Mass, should return me some radioactive shit mah. How come don't have? Maybe too infinitesimally small, because need to divided by the speed of light squared. Speaking of the speed of light, that was how fast our blog disappeared. Last time ah, Henrich Himmler also say he accidentally kill six out of eight million European Jews.

Well, ladies, gentlemen, and other species! Happy times are back again! The resurrected blog promises to be even more deliciously scandalous, so stay tuned!


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