Monday, August 29, 2005

Photos of the Sentosa outing!

Hokhim's artistic work

Swinging around

Blind mice at the playground

Taken using lomo cam (It doesnt distort the pictures Lawyer Ma)

Picnic under a tree

Bangzhi & Hokhim doing some dance

Boring photo

Sunset at sentosa

Cable car

I love the effects taken using the lomo cam! Thanks to everyone who shared the lomo cam for my bday! =D

ps I love the swatch watch too! =P

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Sentosa Outing on 28 Aug

4E will be going to sentosa this coming sun (28 Aug) for beach games + picnic (everybody juz bring along some snacks/drinks yah?) This is the 1st time we are organizing some real outdoor activities apart from the guys' usual soccer matches... coz I dun rem us going to Sentosa or even ECP for any class outing before. Haha.

It's time to get in the sun amidst all the mugging and 99% this outing should be fun =) Confirm ur attendance and more details will be out soon...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In case you all dunno, Bai Jiamin flies to US today for his studies....

It's a pity that we didn't have a mini-gathering or smth like that before he left, guessed everyone was quite busy as school started!

ANyway all the best 老白!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

A Story to Share...

Ok, it's been a long time since posting anything on the blog!!! Cos my life is really quite sian, then nothing that i 偷听 on public transport in the past couple of weeks was interesting enough to make a story on the blog. Just update you all a little bit, i've passed my driving on 2nd august, so happy... not long after, i've buang a taxi and compensated $150. SHIT!!!!

Joined the Monopoly challenge @ Suntec last week. Managed to win the fat auntie playing in my table, top earner in my table as well, but still not rich enough to advance to the semi-final. Bangzhi was very lihai, he was the number 7 overall earner in 2 days of preliminary rounds, so he was in semi-final where he met a fucker who was damn aggressive and totally ruined his chance of going into the final, winning 10,000 in cash!!!!

then school started as well.... nothing really interesting happened except i was being booked for playing computer game which was yahoo pool in the computer cluster in engine fac... Received a warning email for that... WTF!!! so i've decided that nxt time when i wanna play comp games during my free period, i'll bring my laptop instead... SIAN!!!

Of course the new soccer season started also. it's another depressing matter. My fantasy football team sucks man!!! I was totally screwed up, I've never started a season as badly as the current one before. Only had a mere 20 points after the 1st saturday!!! That's pathetic man!!! hopefully i can buck up and get some free buffet!!!

Ok, enough of myself, as the title suggests, i'm going to share a story with you all....

I've read this story somewhere in some brochure, just think that this story was very 感人 so just typed it out here and let you all read. As the story is in Chinese, i just typed in chinese la!!!

有一个小男孩, 家里很穷, 只有母亲。

小孩七岁那年, 不知为什么, 突然的了一场大病, 母亲带着他看了很多医生,都不能确诊,那是一种很奇怪的病, 没有人可以说得出病名。

像所有求医的父母一样, 只要打听到一丝希望, 母亲就不惜一切去尝试。 就这样试了很多种药, 都没有作用。 小孩的病逐渐恶化, 原本瘦弱的身体一点一点越来越干瘦, 到后来, 小孩已经无法站起来了。 治病花光了家里所有的积蓄。

一天, 母亲又打听到很远的地方有个老郎中, 他的药可以治好孩子的病。 小孩服过一点后, 果然有些好转。 只是, 老郎中的药很贵, 母亲变卖了家里所有可以变卖的东西, 只有靠每天上山砍柴, 艰辛地维持一家的生计。

一般人的中药, 都是熬了三遍就弃渣, 可是母亲往往要熬了七、 八遍, 淡倒实在没有味道了才舍得倒掉。 男孩发现母亲每次都把药渣倒在马路上, 被过往的行人踩得稀烂。 他问母亲为什么, 母亲告诉他, 路人踩你的药渣, 就把你的病气带走, 这样你就好得快一些。

男孩说, 这真么可以呢? 我宁愿自己一个人得病, 也不想别人得这病。 果然, 从此母亲就不把药渣倒在马路上了。

日子就在母亲无数的砍柴与期待中一天天过去。 有一天,男孩突然发现, 自己能够站起来了! 他跌跌撞撞地冲向后门, 想把这个消息第一时间告诉还在深山砍柴的母亲。

推开门, 是一条通往山里的小路, 水晶一样的月亮静静垂下来, 路面铺满着一层稠厚稀烂的东西, 是药渣。 那条路从不有人走过, 就只有母亲每天砍柴时经过。

Wah, it's so damn hard typing in chinese. Anyway i did it!! haha. okok, i think his story is quite touching, hope you all like it!!! 2nd week of school is coming!! yoohoo, have fun guys!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Kim---> In a quiescent mood now

Was blog-surfing and chance upon this website...the results are quite accurate so if you are interested, can go and try out...

Below is my result:

You are seeking an affectionate relationship, offering fulfillment and happiness. You are capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Deep down, you are a kind loving person, always helpful and willing to adapt yourself if necessary to realize the bond of affection that you desire. But you need the same consideration and understanding from others and it is this need that will sometimes hold you back... so let go, trust and you may pleasantly surprised at what happens.
You are looking for excitement and stimulation and you are ready to try anything - but be careful not to take too many risks.
You wear your heart on your sleeve and since you are an emotional person you are apt to give your all - heart and soul - to all those that show you a little affection; but take care - it would appear that you have been extremely hurt in the past and you keep leaving yourself wide open for punishment.
From every direction there appear to be unwarranted restrictions on your freedom of action and this is producing considerable stress. You're really looking for independence and freedom from any restriction and therefore avoiding any obligations or anything which might prove hampering. You are being subjected to considerable pressures and you would like nothing better than to escape from them but you tend to lack the necessary strength of purpose to succeed in this. Whichever way you turn you are being frustrated. You need to be free to do your 'thing' in your own way.
You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

Conculsion: the emphasis is on leave me alone which means I am in an autisic mood right now...HAHAHA!!!!

Question of the day: How long more to the new EPL Season???

Song of the day: Zai Suo Yi Ci Wo Ai Ni by Andy Lau

Who are the funky ones


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