Sunday, April 29, 2007


Always find this very amzing. Why there is so much lan moh in the man's toilet? in the urinal, on the floor, even on top of the urinal and at the basin area.


This is my feedback helpsheet


And i got a new LG phone from my need to buy phone liao....

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A piece I wrote for some NUS publication


Seow Zhixiang

Law, Year II

Many laypersons, and not a few lawyers, believe that a legal education is all about learning an allegorical book of rules. Apply rule A in situation X, rule B in situation Y, and so on. But this conception of legal education is necessarily incomplete, even if we are prepared to make the wild assumption that rules can be formulated in advance for every situation. An example will serve to illustrate. Imagine a law which imposes a $1,000 fine on persons wearing red socks. It sounds simple enough. But look slightly harder and problems emerge. What about socks that are a deep shade of pink? What, for that matter, is ‘wearing’ – does a sock slung over the shoulder count? These problems, one might say, can be dealt with by tighter definitions. Fair enough. But tight definitions will never quite eliminate the uncertainty inherent in words. Also, words are quite unlike numbers, whose precision increase with the number of decimal places cited. Use more words, and very often the effect is confusion and contradiction.

A more sophisticated legal education would include learning legal principles, such as the celebrated neighbour principle, which simply states that a person must not by her carelessness cause harm to his neighbour. Legal principles can be described as rules which are broader in scope but less precise in formulation than rules of thumb, such as the red socks rule described above. By generalising, legal principles help provide guidelines in solving legal questions when facts do not fit neatly into established rules. For example, the neighbour principle was first applied in the context of ginger beer that was tainted with the mortal remains of a snail, but has now been developed and applied in diverse situations, such as when a solicitor negligently forgot to draw up a will in accordance with his client’s instructions. But even armed with a formidable arsenal of legal rules and legal principles, the lawyer remains ill-equipped. In a famous episode in legal philosophy, it was demonstrated that the United States Constitution could be interpreted consistently with socialist ideology, using only orthodox legal principles. Whatever that exercise revealed about socialism, democracy and capitalism, it certainly laid bare the inability of formal legal principles to produce results acceptable to the judge on the bench or the person on the street.

To make a complete lawyer, therefore, it is necessary to go beyond the incomplete formal law. Lawyers must realise that the law they deal with did not drop from some legal heaven. On the contrary, it would have no meaning apart from the people to whom it speaks and whose allegiance it hopes to command. The law, and those who work with it, must therefore seek to persuade and convince people about the worthiness of its prescriptions. This is what distinguishes the very best lawyers from the merely mediocre. It is equally necessary for both the advocate advancing a seminal argument in the highest appellate court, and the solicitor advising an illiterate old woman on her will. The best judges exhibit this quality – their judgments are tightly reasoned, powerfully persuasive and I daresay accessible to laypersons. And in order to persuade and convince people, the lawyer must first understand them. To this end, other fields of learning – philosophy, economics, psychology, to name a few – are useful. Even more importantly, the lawyer must have the empathy and practical wisdom that comes from working with people, and not relate in a top-down fashion, as people are so apt to do nowadays.

The best legal education must equip aspiring lawyers to achieve all this, in addition to the learning and teaching of the formal law. It might seem to some a tall order, and in these hardnosed days unnecessary to boot. But, for those of us who share the view of Thomas Henry Bingham, an English Law Lord, that law is not merely a set of arid prescriptive rules but is a sacred flame which animates and enlightens the society in which we live, it is a vision that we must try, and try hard, to achieve.

Friday, April 27, 2007

another Tori Amos video is another video of her...i think i found my fav singer...haha...

3 hrs to mechanics of materials paper

3 more days to last paper.

4 more days to this

Thursday, April 26, 2007


no wonder they say arsenal is the most entertaining team.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

sth for history lovers

when the dust haf settled, i will post my helpsheets up...haha....

Monday, April 23, 2007

Man Utd No 7

then it was eric cantona, then david beckham and now it is C.Ronaldo....

taking a 15 min study break

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

A sad song from Tori Amos

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Earth Day 2007

tml is Earth sth from the movie Matrix about us human beings

“I'd like to share with you a revelation I've had, during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species that I realized you aren't actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with its surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply, and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we...are the cure.”

-- Agent Smith to Morpheus, "The Matrix"

for those with scv, do check out either nat geo or discovery...think they got some special program lined up.... haiz...3 more days to first paper...ARGH!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Question: Faced with a line of men charging at shld you place ur machine gun? An the flanks or in front of them

Ans: On the flanks(see pic for explaination)

So dun play play wif an officer ok...

Friday, April 13, 2007


This is the photo of bao zha tou... u see the picture u think she standing very far from the door lor. she actually standing very near the door... like one person away like that... but she quite dua jia so seems like stand very far... the green colour blurry woman is beside her but i think when i was taking the pic, the green colour blurry woman try and move closer to the door...
so tall lor... and she still wear killer heels... so intimidating...

Thursday, April 12, 2007


When Man Utd, Liverpool and Chelsea are all in the CL semi and yet Arsenal are not in there, you know how far Arsenal is behind these teams... Time to sack Arsene Wenger.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

did this while having a 30mins study break

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Things That an Exam stressed boy did

sup man...exam is ard the corner and so exam stressed boy is here again... Anyway i just weigh my head on a weighing scale...and guess how heavy it is...well it is a whooping 5.6kg.....haha...damn heavy....for pple who wan to know how to weigh their head....see below....else u can just navigate to other webpage now...

Step 1: Get an electronic weighing scale. Old school scale will not work...See Step 3 to see why

Step 2: Place your head on the scale.

Step 3: After about 5 sec....lift up ur head and read the reading from the electronic version... if u use a normal scale, once u life up ur head and see the will register only a zero reading....

Back to studying....haiz..3 cheers for engineering....

Monday, April 02, 2007


she wasn't trying to reconcile anything la. she just want to check why this month is 16 units then last month is 10 units. it's an invoice given to us by the IT dept, IT is charging us for using this service la. then 1 unit is like 1 page u upload into the system.

i am sort of in charge of monitoring the expense of the dept la. then it's only a 78Cents increase from last month. -_- she thinks IT want to charge us more money. SI MI SAI. 78 cents only nia.
anyway, it's over. i wasted like half a day trying to find the person who uploads these documents. email the whole world. when i finally find the person, she dunno how many page she upload. so i just anyhow xian... and email back to my boss.

According to Daphne Lim who is in charge of uploading the submission into the Enterprise WFI system, it is not possible to confirm the number of pages uploaded but she mentioned that it would be around 10 odd pages per month.

just anyhow make up some story la. i can't be bothered.

my PITA (Pain in the ass) boss is very innovative one. she will suddenly think of smt absurd for u to go and check.


that day at the MRT platform i saw a GAO REN. and it's a she. SUPER DAMN tall. her head overshoot the door to the train. raffles place underground ma, then got the door to the train door right, she is taller than the door lo... i think her forehead can touch the board that shows u the stations... i took a photo but not very clear in my phone. dunno how it will turn out on my laptop though. if it's clear then i post up and show u all.

i oso want to visit gwen soon. she very careful and does superb manicures la. plus she pretty. haha.

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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