Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Chinese Classics

ok...the reason y i am blogging so late at night is because i have nothing better to do..haha...ok anyway me and the guys were having a conversation about some classic chinese songs...so we were toking and toking until somehow the topic drift to the shows tt we used to watch...so i was telling them like how i only watched ghost show, vapire show and wong fei hong show.... anyway the main pt is i could not remb this particular song from one of the chinese ghost show...so after searching the whole of youtube...here it is

If u think the blacks are the first to start rapping, i'm telling u...its the chinese who did it first...hahaha....

and also this 沧海一声笑

hmm...after seeing so much of this...i think tml i will go and see can buy these classic shows anot..haha....ok time to slp liao...bb


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