Monday, December 06, 2004

I Completed another 21km today

hi guys, this is my first post after the rebirth of our class blog. Actually i haven been reading the class blog 4 close to one wk liao... so imagine the shock when i saw all our previous posts deleted and banished into the wildwerness of cyberspace. This is so painful esp for all the people who have been supporting the blog, updating it and reading sad man...but i'm glad that hh has plucked up enough courage and try to "give birth" to a new class blog...its not easy esp after losing one so soon... so tell me hh, who is the mother of the class blog? HAHA!!!
kk, enough of all the crap liao...its time for me to reflect on my actions for the past week, actually to put it more straight-forward, its more on yesterday... below is wat happens....
On the 5th of DEC, 3 BRAVE souls woke up at an unearthly hour and meet up at the HQ of AI FO HUI. The mission is to represent this great society at the Standard Chartered Marathon... After going through months of training and in-doctrination of the teachings of Buddhism, 3 elites are chosen from the society and they are namely seow, weiting and me...Remember the names of these 3 great modern day heroes and the amazing journey they are going to embark...Here is the story of two of them...
At 0630, with adrenalin rushing through the body, i started my journey with wt. Together we pounded the ashpalt ...Along the way, we saw many amusing things like the guy with a cake over his body and the one wearing a wedding gown to run the marathon....Tireness sank in but we pushed on, determined to chase all the chio bu in front of us...As we slowly make our way back, wt begin to develop leg cramps near the 19km mark...nonetheless, with the teaching of the great AI FO HUI in mind, he pushed on and we managed to cross the finish line in an amazing time of 2hr and 40 min...which is very fast,rite? At last, months of training had not gone to waste...we had done AI FO HUI proud... OMITOFO...SO this marks the end of an amazing journey of two men and add an amazing chapter to the colourful history of AI FO HUI.
Now for next year, AI FO HUI will be holding a WU LIN DA SAI to chose devoted people to represent the society...registration has already started and all WU LIN ZHONG REN are welcomed...a word of warning though, this soceity is for the strong and not the weak,so join us if you want to prove something....once again OMITOFO...

Song for tonite: Somewhere i belong by LINKIN PARK


Blogger zxseow said...


11:44 PM  
Blogger jo-hor-se said...

Didn't know osk can be so sarcastic and humourous! More of this stuff, osk!

7:08 PM  

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