Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Search All Blogs

It's been a while since i saw a new entry on the blog... so now the guys understand y they were doing all the writing when this thing was just started. when u're in sch, there's really nothing fun to write about.
anyway... i was reading my fren's blog.. like 5 minutes ago. He mentioned the blog search at the top left corner of blogs... u can type in anything and search for it in all the blogs hosted by blogger... i think. so i was thinking i want to see who else have my name... cos i've always thought that my name is quite special... so... i searched for mingke in all blogs.
it generated 46 results... the first few is me la... cos it's from this blog. then it started to get spooky. i see my name pop up everywhere... for eg..

this guy is called mingke too. A guy lor... *YEEEKSSS* people have told me tat mingke is a guyish name but i've always thought that it's not true... now i feel like i've been slapped in the face.

<- this is the guy mingke. According to his blog, he is in london. i actually have a lot to say abt this mingke. but then... maybe he will run a search too and see this... so i think i better not say too much...

other than this mingke... there are 2 other mingkes which are luckily girls... i think. Or at least one is... one mingke (the confirm girl one) is in indonesia, the other mingke is dunno where. cos it's just mentioned in the blog... that Tan Mingke is one of this girl's(Yuen teng) best fren. I have obsolutely no idea who is this yuen teng person... so this Tan mingke is not me.
That makes 3 other mingkes other than myself...
HAI... so my name is not so special afterall.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


As you all know, today i went to watch the 张学友 famous musical 雪.狼.湖. with my friends.It was in Singapore Indoor Stadium. We reached there at around 1945, get to our seats and waited for a while then the show started at 2030.

I think my writing skills very lousy, dunno how to express, so just bear with me ok?

Though the storyline of the musical is a bit cliche and a bit old fashion but isn't all musical very cliche? We were there to enjoy the live orchestra and the live singing and the dance-steps as well....

All the songs are very nice, then the leads, 张学友, 许慧欣 and 陈松龄 all sang damn well. Some of the lyrics are quite funny as well. All the lyrics rhymes and the whole story flows very smoothly. As i said earlier, the story was actually very cliche, but because of the great songs and singing, it really induced your feelings and you'll feel damn sad. Anyway it's a sad love story la.

Simply marvellous, when 张学友 sang all the love songs really hit the right spot. GOOD ONE!!! SPOT ON!!!! It really makes you goosebumps growing everywhere, 有麻点. One very notable thing is that there are a lot of dances in the musicals. Jackie Cheung was already 40+, and being able to keep dancing for 3+ hours and singing non-stop, for a guy not well known for dancing, it's really very impressive!!!

Towards the end whenever the orchestra played the main theme song, 爱是永恒, the heart really immediately melt!!!! 溶了, 真的全溶了. When the whole show ended, various actors and actresses taking bows, clapping never dies off for almost 20 min. First, some small fries came out and bow, then the evil mother's and the rich love rival's turn!! The crowd started to give standing ovation when second female lead 陈松龄 came out with her song, then the crowd started cheering when female lead 许慧欣 followed 陈松龄 out. The loudest applause was reserved for 张学友 when he stepped out with once again the theme song 爱是永恒 . All the front rows pple trying to rush towards the stage and give flowers to him. What a scene. It's really an epic ending.

Really damn proud that Hong Kong can come out with such a great production!!! YEAH!!!! When s'pore can onyl come out with dim sum dollies or PCK musical "must come and watch hor". Though compare to those broadway musical, 雪狼湖 is really quite commercial rather than artistic. But i think the $150 is very very very well spent!!! I even rate this better than the Linkin Park concert i attended last year. It's just that good!!!!

I know this entry didn't bring out how good the musical is. But then i really like it damn a lot and wanted to tell you guys!!!! If nxt time u all got chance must go and watch. Remeber this : Money is meant for you to spent and not to keep. Don't let any external factors preventing you to go to such good and rare performances. If it ever crossed your mind more than 5 times u wanna watch anything, THEN JUST BLOODY GO AND GET THE TIX!!!!

All the songs from 雪狼湖 will 绕梁三日 in my head man!!!


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

AHM 2005 Champion Emerges

HAHA. Just a reminder to all that a certain Mr. Seow Z is now the 4E champion for the AHM 2005 at 2hrs 24 min and 48 sec gun time. Coming in a close second is Mr. Lin W.

Oh by the way Mr. Ma H is the champion for the Nike Real Run at 55 minutes. But nobody cares about 10 klick jogs anyway. lol.

Stay slim and pretty everyone.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Since school started, i've seldom posted on the blog. i think that isn't very good cos the blog seems to be dying. so i've decided to post at least once a week starting this week!!!!

yeah, 1stly just to update you all how's my life!!!! I've finshed watching the Korean Drama Stairway to Heaven. It was damn touching. Makes me 落泪如下雨. So everybody must watch!!! Besides that, i've joined the New Balance RealRun one or two sundays ago. It was a 10km run with 6km on road, 2.4 on trail and 1.6km on sand. Amazingly i've lost to Mr Ma Hanfeng in that run, so xia suay... haiz.....

So to the main topic for today. I will just tell you all how dishonest Yaohui is ok?

Actually everyday i'll see yaohui in school. Pretty suay right? ok, so today before going for some tutorial, we waited at the corridor as the clasroom was locked. then we sat down at a corner then i realised that there's a 浓浓的臭味. Then i suspect that came from my feet, cos i didn't want to wrongly accused other pple. But then i think it was quite impossible cos everyday i'll put those foot powder b4 i left home in order not to have foot smell. And somemore that 恶臭 is of a different genre of 臭 from my feet. but i am damn cock sure it's smelly foot la!!

then i not very sure whether other pple ( yaohui, OSK and christopher) realised the smell or not, so i started saying, hey don't you all realised there's a smell, issit my foot damn smelly. I actually trying to lure the guy with the smelly foot to admit it!!! but then they don't seem to smell any 脚臭, EXCEPT MR CHEE YAOHUI.

He said ya, quite smelly, but he didn't confess that it's actually his bloody smelly feet. then to confirm my specualtion that his feet were smelly, i fake fake asked him to go over to osk side to see whether the smell subside or not. Indeed when yaohui wasn't around, the smell is not as 浓. So the righteous LO HOK HIM stook up, point his finger at chee yaohui and said, YAOHUI, WHY YOUR FEET SO SMELLY!!!!

Immediately, under my powerful finger and his guilty conscience, he admitted that his feet smell like SHIT!!!!!

So see, yaohui is dishonest, he wouldn't admit to his wrongdoing until others discover it!!! SO BEWARE OF YAOHUI!!!!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Kim--> A boliao Post b4 i go slp...hehe

Got this from some blog...haha...pretty interesting and accurate...anyway haven been blogging for a while liao...quite busy wif sch and it's 9 more days to the 1 month anniversary of being an undergrad...haha....damn boliao rite...ok lah...tml still got lecture...go to slp liao...

How You Life Your Life
%20color="#000000">You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You' think.
You're open to new people and friends, which makes you a pretty popular person.
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.

Question of the day: Why did Kelly never win Project Superstar?

Song of the day: Stairway to Heaven OST

Kim--> A boliao Post b4 i go slp...hehe

Got this from some blog...haha...pretty interesting and accurate...anyway haven been blogging for a while liao...quite busy wif sch and it's 9 more days to the 1 month anniversary of being an undergrad...haha....damn boliao rite...ok lah...tml still got lecture...go to slp liao...

How You Life Your Life
%20color="#000000">You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You' think.
You're open to new people and friends, which makes you a pretty popular person.
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.

Question of the day: Why did Kelly never win Project Superstar?

Song of the day: Stairway to Heaven OST

Who are the funky ones


ZX Seow

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