Saturday, October 08, 2005

IES soccer tournament

hmm.... Maybe mingke is correct, school is so freaking sian that recently, there is a severe shortage on blog entry!!! In order to keep this blog going on and prevent it from dying, let me start 2 entries. the first one, which is this one is just to tell you what had happened today. And the second one, which i will post later, i hope to gather reponses from you guys. Especially those very inactive one like BZ, WJ, JW, JY n bla bla bla bla.... (eric also, nvr post anything b4). haha.

ok, so let's start!! In order to have more fun in school life. We decided to participate in some of the activities organised by various clubs n so on. The 1st one that we joined is the IES soccer tournament which was held today! It was a 6 a side match with dunno how many teams taking part la....

Since it was held by IES (smth engineer society), the team can only have 2 non-enginnering students. So our team comprise of OSK, me, 蒙毅 aka chee yaohui, ma hanfeng, aaron and 3 of his friends.

We reached NUS at around 9. And wow, it was really quite a pro-tournament. Which is the most multi-national fac in NUS? i think it's engine man! We saw 3 teams of ang mohs, 2 or 3 teams of indians/Pakis, 1 burma team, 1 viet-cong team and an exotic team of Mauritius united( what the fuck right?). Then the other teams are basically pure JC teams. We saw the legendary Team NJC which had yongda, weijian and bla bla, lucky junhao didn't play. Then there's also NYJC, RJC and Hwachong team around. i think only we are the jum-ba-lan team....

Anyway let's skip the match details. The results was that we drew 2 matches and lost 2 and we didn't proceed to the knock-out phase nxt week. I think the main reason of the defeats are that thre isn't any chemistry within our team. We lack a leadership character. First of all , since not all of us know each other, and this is the 1st time we played together, the team-work is definitely not there. Since aaron is the only one who seems to know everyone in the team and the team captain, I think we had to really had the discipline to listen to him and let him organised the team!! Since he's the one who took all the troule in getting all of us registered for this competition and doing all the administration and co-ordination stuff for us, i think he deserved that credit and so on la.... However the problem is that i think we(of course me included) didn't really give him the due respect and the team just played as 一盘散沙. Of course, i admit that the opponents are really techncally notches above us, but our performance is really not commendable....

Besides that, i think we had a lot of different football mentalities/philosophies... there is a need that we came to a compromise and then no matter how much you agree, we gotta stick to that system. Cos i believe that any system will work. The different is just that whether certain player can accustom to that style or not... for example, a slow striker wont be suited to play the 4-5-1 formation la.... However if every player got the tactical discipline to stick to a certain gameplan decided by the captain in our case, i think our peformance will be much better... 知己知彼,百战百胜. We needa know our own abilities 1st, that's the most important, then we start to worry about the enemy. If we don't even understand ourselves, how can we go into a match with other people? Then we derived a game-plan that suit ourselves the most, and of course willing to change it when it's not achieving the desirable results, cos there isn't any 1 supered solution that solved all problems.

Lastly i think that even people with different mentalities can work together... the debate of different school of thoughts is basically a process to come to a best solution, a process that help us improve. There will not be any love lost. So there is no need to say certain 狠话 that since we have different mentalities, then nxt time u all go and play and i wont play anymore. Cos this is the 1st time we play together and sort of 1st time we joined a tournament, we of course didn't expect to win it. We've dreamt to qualify but i think 2 draw and 2 loss against teams with such calibres isn't exactly very bad results. The more we join such thing the better we'll become... So why dont give yourselves and others a chance??

I hope that we will still join future soccer tournaments organised by whatever clubs in NUS. Cos i really think soccer is the only thing that all of us enjoyed. No point gives up on it because of different thoughts... YEAH!!!

Qns of the day : Can people of different mentalities work as a team?

Ans : Yes, according to Donald Trump. But how credible is Donald Trump is? Up to you to decide...


Blogger zxseow said...

our blog kenna spam sia

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

y my name in caps lock...hahaha....

1:07 AM  
Blogger jo-hor-se said...

yeah our blog has been invaded by stupid ads and whatnots...sianz...

i happen to share the same football philosophy as hh. probably the reason why we work well on the pitch together or at least we used to before his injury. But hey, recent performances indicate that it won't be long before u reach ur pre-injury form!

Anyway, i think hh has a lot to say about this. let's begin the great footie debate after he's done with his blog! it's too much work for me to write one by myself :P

anybody writing abt the sucky place we ate at on fri? somebody pls...

10:29 AM  

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