Thursday, May 26, 2005


Wonder what the title means? Actually I also dunno the true meaning of this funny word, all I know is that I've scaled a mountain by this name.

2 months ago, I've signed up for this trip organised by the NUS ROVERs, with a camp mate and his friends. Deposits were paid but when the day came, this friend of mine and his friends had all found secure jobs and opted out of the trip. I was still unemployed, and with the passion for outdoors, I went on with the trip.

On 20th May, the hikers gathered at Kranji MRT and took 170 into Larkin, JB. As usual, a busy schedule left me with little time to pack. This time round, I actually rushed for this 2 days mountain trekking trip without bringing food, sleeping equipments and camera.

Going for this trip alone was an unusual sight. All the 20+ hikers went with at least a partner, and for some a group of ~7. Most of the hikers were students of NUS, while some like me are near future students. The pple were easy to get along. Without any ice breaking game, there was spontaneous intro and soon I know over 1/2 the hikers. I notice that for such activities, so long as you dun keep to yourself, its easy to get along with the crowd.

The mountain is near a town in Johor called Kota Tinggi, which I believe many Singaporeans have heard of. (at the carparks there 1/2 the cars bore S'pore licence plates) Coach journey from Larkin to Kota Tinggi cost only RM3.50, but the ride takes nearly 1 hr. By the time we reach Koota Tinggi it was noon. Luckily we get to have lunch at Kota Tinggi. Without bringing food, I definately can't survive the hike 2 days if I dun want to tax on the other hikers. Hence to fill my stomach, I ate 1/2 a chicken and 2 plates of rice, hoping that it will last long. Chicken rice there was real cheap, at RM3.00 and whole chicken at RM10.00 only.

To get to our start pt, we still had to travel 15km by cab. We started off in a plantation at the foot of the mountain. The initial path was gentle, with wide streams by the side. As we moved into the densely forested wood lands, the slope gradients rose quickly. In no time gentle flat lands were replaced by undulating rock steps and leaf litter. Less than 100m up the mountain water was cascading down waterfalls and meter high rapids. By mid-hill the terrain was so unpassable that we've got to climb vertical rock walls 10+ m high, just beside thundering waterfalls. It was shiok man, my 1st time doing rock climbing in nature. We climbed 4 vertical walls and crossed numerous rapid. The trek was tough for some gals, but the guys were there to lend a helping hand.

I wore jeans and combat boots for this trip. It was an inappropriate attire and had its pros and cons.(most pple wore shorts and sandals) The jeans protected my legs from torny branches and combat boots allowed me to cross any surface. However, we've got to cross rapids and streams with water level over my waist. The water soaked my boots and jeans throughout the 2 days hike, which was super uncomfortable and weighed my legs down. I din bring extra pants, so got to sleep in wet jeans. I slept outside the tent, so as not to damp the tents' interior. Damn torturing, mosquitoes were rampant and tempreature fell till water can condense on clothes.

I was stung 2 times by bees/wasps/hornets/winged ants. Once on my left thumb and another on my right hand 4th finger. Amazingly, my fingers only swelled for an hour or so, before the pain and swell subside. While I slept outside the tentage, I was stung by mosquitoes till my right hand swell round, and tempreature was so low that many wore sweaters. Strangly, I could not feel the freeze, and the mosquito bites died out fast. Somehow, i feel I've got natural resistant against these minor venoms and cold.

Its fun to go for such a trip, despite all the itch and pain you'll experience if you're not careful. I esp. like the night life with the hikers, when we talk cock sing songs play majong.... no la, play heart attack. I feel so free and relaxed when we rested on the summit of the mountain. Just for info: those going for hiking trips...1) prepare your stuffs early, last minute work can be dangerous. 2) wear track pants and track shoes/diving shoes are best. 3) try not to cross rapids, they're too slippery and dangerous.


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