Monday, May 23, 2005

A Beautiful Mind ---- John Nash

Ya, i think this movie wont the Best Picture and a few other awards in The Academy Awards aka Oscar in 2002, Russell Crowe also nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role for that year but didn't win i guess.

When i first watched the movie in JC time, i was damn impressed by it, thinking it was by far the best movie i've watched. Till today, i still think it is a very very good movie, much better than the Matrix, LOTR, Star Wars n so on. I just hate Sci-Fic and Fantasy. Therefore when i knew that channel 5 was showing it today again, i've decided to watch again man, since Sunday night nothing better to do also.

I think throughout the whole movie there're a lot of scenes that really make you feel. Extreme feeling really. For example the part when he was in the Siao Lang Keng aka 瘋人宮 aka Mental Hospital receiving the electric shock treatment. Wah, damn painful and can really feel for his wife. At the same place he tried to dig out the implant in his right arm, causing a bloody mess. Damn gross. The part when he returned home but refused to take medicine so his condition worsened then his wife discovered he started doing decoding in an empty house again. Damn eerie man. And lastly seeing him receiving pens from various pple in the Princeton cafe, that scene was super 感人.

However, just to provide some insight view on John Nash. Actually the movie glorified and romantised his life story. Of course, he's damn smart and made real contributions to the mathematics, physics and economics field. He worked with legends such as Einstein and Von Neumann and so on so on..... However, just to list a few things on why he's a fucker.

I gathered these stories from his biography. Read that after watching the movie a few years back. Ok, back to Nash, 1st of all, he's actually a bloody gay in case you all dunno. hmm... Actually not really gay la, cos gay only like guys. But according to interviews with him, Nash actually said that he enjoyed sexual activities with both genders, so he is a bi-sexual. He had no less than 3 boyfriends. Even after he was married to Elisha, he kept having affairs with other men....

When he was even younger, he once had an affair with a nurse. That nurse gave birth to Nash Jr. However, at that time Nash thought that aving a family wld deter his career development, so he refused to marry her. Ok, tt's fine, but he was by then quite rich as a professor, but he didn't even pay for a single cent in the kid's upbringing. Quite a bastard right????

However, John Nash life is definitely very interesting. For those who wanna know more can actually go and read his biography, really quite an interesting book. Oh ya, talk about book as Kino got that 20% offer thing during this weekend, so i just went there to take a look. Bought 2 books, but the queue is freaking long man!! For those who are quite familiar with the Kino lay-out, the queue at the main cashier ended at the back entrance there, for the 2nd cahsier counter (the chinese section), the queue ended at the chinese megazine area. biang!!!! And i look at the pple in the queue, majority of them were actually buying megazines, a few of them buying "Da Vinci's Code". Wah, I think people who read Da Vinci's Code are idiot. Hey that includes you amn Yaohui!!!!!



Blogger TYS Wayne said...

Hmm... I do feel that bks by Dan Brown are really well-written... Juz tat Da Vinci Code abit anti-Christ lor... Maybe u shld read his other bks...

11:00 PM  
Blogger z|ninG said...

I wanted to watch this movie on ch5 ...but in the end i was so tired that i fell asleep halfway thru the show... *sadded*

Heh I'm planning to read Da Vinci Code next...

7:36 AM  
Blogger mingke said...

ey... da vinci's code is damn good lor. i think all the things he write in the book makes sense... mostly the painting cool... it's not really anti-christian la

8:59 PM  

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