Friday, May 20, 2005

Kim -> Whiner?!?! I dun think so!!

Yo..guys…kim is here again…haha…ok so what shall I talk about today? Hmm…I know…I shall discuss about the hottest topic in town now and that is: Are we, Singaporean guys a bunch of complaining wussy and whiners? Recently, there are quite a few reports about us Singaporean guys and if any male readers think that the reports are portraying us in a positive light, well I’m sorry, it’s not….If you still dun get what I trying to say here, go and grab yourself a copy of today’s edition of Newpaper… the article is about some survey and it shows that close to 70% of undergrad females think that their male counterparts are a bunch of whiners aka complain kings… huh? Wtf? Hahaha….can see that some of you who are reading this must be scratching your head and asking: ARE WE LIKE THAT????

So to decide whether we the Singaporean guys are like that, let’s consider this first: Why is it that the complaints are always from girls that are undergrad and below? Why don’t I see or hear working female complaining about their male collegues…why? Issit because we guys change after graduating from university and we only act like a bunch of childish whiners when we are still schooling… well to me the answer is a very straightforward and obvious NO!! let me explain: Guys will change, mutate, transform or whatever you called it before and during their army days…once they finish their active days, they stopped changing, i.e they remain the same throughout uni and their working life…unchanged till they meet their creators…it is like the growth spurt that everyone experienced…ok..maybe not all cos some actually shrink and become shorter but what I trying to say here is after a certain age, you will still growing or shrinking and stagnate at the same height till you die…there are minimal or no changes at all under normal circumstances….yah…so if we had remained the same, why issit that only girls that are uni and below complaining whereas those that are working outside are not? Well, here’s why: Girls before they start to work, they are still schooling, no matter what they say about uni being different from junior college or whatever, it’s all bullshit because primarily all of them are still educational institutes, so uni equates junior college which equates sec sch which equates pri school….so during this time they stayed in the same environment, the schooling environment and this may be the reason why there is a different set of thinking between a schooling girl and working lady… they only changed or grow up after they finish schooling and out in the socirty working…and so any actions viewed during this two different time periods will generate such differing perceptions: one is that of a childish whining Singaporean guy and the other a mature thinking Singaporean guy… dun believe it….because if we are so bad as what we are make out to be, I believe that the birth rate of Singapore will be even lower as it is…haha….yah…so to all the Singaporean males out there who are feeling upset, discouraged or in a whining mood….fret not, be confident and be yourself….and for those guys who are thinking about yah maybe the girls are right, we are indeed a bunch of whiners, let’s abolish NS because it make me into a wuss… I say go and castrate yourself…haha…ok a bit evil here…haha…but think about it: if NS is abolished, what will happen? Don’t know…well here is what will happen: NS abolished >> Guys become more attractive to schooling girls >> marraiage up >> birthrate up >> garmen happy. Next suitation: NS abolished >> No defense>> War >> Country gone>> garmen gone… so which do you prefer? I know this is not an easy question to answer because since ancient china it has always be qiang shan or mei ren…but I ask you who are reading this chose one now…which one will you choose??

Current Song: Somewhere only we know by keane

Current Mood: DUH!!!


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