Thursday, May 12, 2005

Amazing Race 7

For those who followed the 7th season of the Amazing Race, earlier today was the finale. One of the 3 teams remaining will walk away with the US$ 1Million prize money.

The 3 teams are the Survivor : All Star winner and runner-up---- Rob and Amber; Married Couple of Nigerian heritage---- Uchenna and Joyce; and Former POW and Miss S. Carolina---- Ron and Kelly.

So first talk about Ron and Kelly. They are the team that I supported since the beginning till 2 or 3 episodes ago. Reason for supporting them is quite simple. Firstly, cos i think Ron is very shuai!!! He's an Apache pilot in the Iraq War in 2003. Then his helicopter kenna shot down and he was held as prisoner and interogated. He was later rescued byt he US Marines. In that same year, Kelly won the Miss S. Carolina. So I supported this 俊男美女 team.

Not only that, cos Ron is a pilot and served in the military before, so his navigation skill was supered sia. During the whole race, he managed to navigate to the place that he wanna be with much precision. He handling of vehicle in pathetic road condition is 1st class as well. However, as normal army guy, he tends to be too tensed up and egoistic then resulted in the constant bickering within the team. So i got sicka nd tired of them and due to other factors that will be explained later, i stopped supporting them!!!

Next up, Rob & Amber. Survivior : All Star winner and runner-up. For those who didn't watch Survivor would defintiely thought that Rob was the winner and Amber was the runner-up as Amber looks so small sized, so cute, so tame and so quite while Rob was arrogant seems to amke every decision in the race and so on. But you're wrong, Amber was the official winner of the Survivor : All-Star and took home the 1 million from that show. However, ya, youare correct, Rob is the real winner, though he didn't win the Survivor, he managed to win a girl's heart. YEAH AMBER IS ACTUALLY DAMN CHIO!!!!! And managed to con her about sharing her winning in Survivor with him. That fat ass is smart man!!!!

But i dun really like them. They are too full of themselves, thinking that they're damn smart!!! Ya, they are competitive, however, comparing to other competitive teams in previous seasons, they are neither good at Detours, Road-Blocks, getting flights nor navigations. They are simply good at playing small tricks, like telling ticketing counter not to sell seats to other teams, telling bus drivers to open only the front door and jammed the other teams at the back, basically full of cheats and think they're damn great!!! So i would wanna see this millionaire couple getting another 1 million form reality show.

Lastly Uchenna and Joyce. Hmm.... This is a couple with Nigerian Heritage. I'll call them the Agus (their surname). You all shld know that i hated black people. But then for this season of the Race, i actually supported them. I think they deserved to win this very much!! Not only did they take it seriously, with a positive mindset, but most important of all they have a very good heart. Simply good people!!!!

Yes, earlier int he race, we always see them lost and lost and getting lost!!! They're simply pathetic in findign direction. But as there were a few teams of Dumb Blondes around, so they managed to scrap through. The episode that made them famous was the one in India when they opted to go witht he Fast-Forward, the task was to shave their head. For Uchenna tt's ok since he's already bald. But for Joyce, few would expect her to accept the task!!! I think if Amber or Kelly or other girls in that situation wld definitely reject that Fast-Forward. So it actually shown that the team are very competitive.

Then talk about positive mindset!!! They didn't quarrel throughtout the race. Able to make decision together as a mature couple and so on. In today's finale episode, they finished last in the last-2nd leg, and was stripped of all their belongings and Money in Jamaica. Joyce was devastated as they had to beg for money, however Uchenna managed to cheer her on, encourage her and at the saem time begging for $$. They're the most polite pair i've ever watched on the Race to beg money!!! Didn't even mention to pple that they're on the race. Cos if they mentioned to pple they're on a race, they wld easily get some cash i asusmed. Butthey managed to pull through it!

Ok, lastly about the Agus was that they are really very nice people!!! I think they're true human with a heart. By saying this i am saying that a lot of pple actually veyr heartless but wont talk about that la. For the Agus, 1stly, when the senior-citizen couple Meredith and Gretchen came in last dunno how many legs ago, being stripped off all the belongings and $$, the Agus donated the most to the old couple. $50 USD if you can remembered while Rob and Amber refused to give them any cash. Other team chipped in a little bit each, but Agus contibuted the most!!!! Not only that, they gave them their own clothes for them to change!!! Tt's really a very nice gesture for competing teams!!!!

Not only that when in one of the leg in the race, during a Detour when teams gotta do veur physical job is stacking up boats, once again the old couple found it damn hard to manage!! Old pple no strength mah. The Agus managed to get that done quite quickly, at the time they're only just the last 2nd team and the old couple the last team. But after finsihing the task, the AGus actually turned back to help the old couples instead of racing to the pitstop. They are supposed to be rival ina race man!!! but this show what a man Uchenna is!!!! Great man!!!!

In another episode, another team, the brothers met with an automobile accident in Botswana with the cameraman quite heavily injured!! the whole car was flipped. tt's serious!!! Rob and Amber just passed by without going down to offer help, only thinking abt themselves while the gay team and once again the Agus got down to help the brothers team and the cameraman.

Lastly, in today's episode as mentioned earlier they've not enough cash with them, they still managed to get to the finishing line 1st. What they needa do was to go pass that finsihing line and take home the 1million. But they have not enough to pay the taxi fare. If i meet with this type of situation, i would fuck-care the taxi driver and go and win my million. But the Agus are not 狼心狗肺 like me or Rob & Amber. They dun wanna to cheat the cabby of his hard-earned cash!!! They go around to beg for $$, wanting to settle the bill 1st before going pass the finish line!!! They risked of being caught up by other team and lose the race and the prize money!!! But Uchenna think that settling the cab fare is a more impt issue, he said he cannot walk away just like that!! Salute to him man!!!! Million of USD will make me lose my mind and do all the bad stuff, HAHA. But he is too much a great man to do such lowly thing. My heart was pumping, afraid that they wld be caught up. Luckily, they manged to settle the cab fare and won the race and the prize.

I think they're the deserving winner. Unlike previous episodes which i think the winner just got lucky. But i think The Agus are really the neutral's choice to win it!!! Yeah, so happy they made!! It's truely an amazing experience and an amazing race!!!! Hopefully the next season, AMazing Race 8 will come soon. Oohhh.... Sleeping liao lor!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truely enjoyed the race too..... think it's one of the best seasons of the Amazing Race other than Amazing Race 2 where Flo and Zach won...

1:17 PM  
Blogger travellerelf said...

i support Uchenna and Joyce!!! wei le USD$25 lose USD$1 million very bo hua leh.. but still he settled the cab fare first... my hero man!

12:58 AM  

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