Tuesday, May 10, 2005

LHH on Religion

ok, long time haven't written anything for my Philosophy Collection, so here i am, writing my view on religious stuff!!!

But before that, just talk smth about satisfaction in life!!!!

All along i've thought that making a lot of money and leading a damn good life is the greatest satisfaction and achievement in life, but as you all know recently I'm damn crazy over BAnd of Brothers. Finished watching the series and then bought the book and more than half-way through it now, I've found out new meaning in life!!!

I know i am spas and lame, but then i think the greatest satisfaction in life is to bring your men into combat and then lead them out safely and return them to their parents. To accomplish this task, you have to give them the adequate training during peace-time, to have the friendship intilled in your men to have the bonding between them so that they're willing to die for each other and so on so on.... ya finish being lame!!!

ok go on with today's topic!! Reiligion!!! Yup, as you all shld know i'm a Christian, not a Catholic!!! I pray to the father, and Jesus but not all the "Saints", Pope or Mother MAry bla bla..... Ok, not to criticised about toher pple's religion, but just wanna provide some interesting facts about Christianity...

1. Creation vs Evolution

Charles Darwin came out with this bullshit evolution theory. Christian believes that the Lord created the world in 6 days and rested in the 7th. Darwin and all the evolutionists believes the world slowly formed by itself or there's a big band or bla bla!! all living things came form this single cell fuck called Amoeba or Ameobi i dunno la. Then slowly evolved into monkey then ape then chimpanzee then King KONg then Baboon then Orgen, Naidni, LAu boon boon then human???? sorry ah lau boon boon, just say that for fun!!! haha, but i doubt you're reading it la!!! HAHAHA

But then it's very ahrd for me to believe that my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather to the n times is actually a monkey lor!! I cant accept that. My grandfather is a human, my great-grandfather's grandfather is also a human, so by mathematical induction, no matter in which era wat time how many millions years ago or after, a person's grandfather will always be a human but not a monkey.

Just to quote a story. As you know the great physicist Newton, the guys who told us wat's gravity is about and the guy that intro us to the world of calculus once built a model of the solar system and put it in a lab. Then a guy who didn't believe in creation came to the lab and saw the model, and asked him, oh, who built this model. Newton answered him, no one, it formed itself. That guy replied, telling Newton not to bluff him, not to play punk with him. Then Newton told him, even such a tiny model needed to be built by someone and it's impossible to be popped out from nowhere, then how is that possible for the actual solar system which is how many times more complicated and larger to be formed by itself???

So i think creation is more believable than evolution.

2. Interesting NASA finding

Just get this story from somewhere which i think is quite interesting!!!

Dunno when la, not too long ago, NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) conducted a research on the positioning of the Sun. Though the planets rotate around the sun, but actually the sun does move a little bit here and there one la... so they just tying to find out the pattern and how does its positioning differ from ancient time record and now la and what the future trend would be....

ok, after the research is done, the scientists there came out with a pattern and so on, however they also found out that according to historic records and current techonology findings, the position of the sun is a very little little bit off track!!! To be exact, it moves too slowly, being too slow for 23hr 20 min. Then the scientists there feel very 納悶. They are so close and yet so far from publishing theri findings and it's just that little bit off!!! They could not figure out the reason why the sun is slower by 23hr 20min, damn weird sia...

Most americans are Christian, then one of the scientist remembered that he read somewhere in Bible that the sun actually stopped 1 day. So guys, let's read a bit of bible here man, Joshua 10:13 stated that "And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. "

So those NASA people are getting closer. So the sun was recorded to be still for a day which is 24 hours, so it should be slower by 24 hours, but then where is that difference in 40 min??? So they decided to search the Bible for more clues. As recorded in II Kings 20: 9-11, " And Isiah said. This sign shalt thou have of the Lord, that the Lord will do the the thing that he hath spoken : shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees? And Hezekiah answered. It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees : nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. And Isiah the prophet cried unto the Lord : and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz."

After reading the part of the Bible, the sceintist calculated that in order to bring the shadow back 10 degrees, the sun gotta shift its position whcih is equivalent to the distance it moved in 40 min. WOW, so that 40min is accounted for, and it explained why the position of the sun in theory and practical got a difference of 23hr 20min. Quite amazing right!!!

Judge for yourself, which religious book, besides the Bible, can be so compatible with the recorded history and science(as mentioned above), so accurate in its prophecy (read for yourself). Not trying to preach in the class blog as religion is a sensitive issue, but then i just find the above story quite interesting la.....

Before I end, wah, damn jealous man!!!! My camp-mates, Dexter from Hwa Chong for those who know him, had gotten a relief teaching job in Hwa Chong International since March this year. Earning more than $65 a day cos that's an independent school, so it pays higher than the MOE. $65 is already dman alot lor, he got even more!! As he said the students in Hwa Chong International are the children of those freaking rich men. A few millions to them is like 20 cents. Their parents owns MNC, oil companies, bla bla. some got private jets and so on. The other time he told me that during a parents-meet-teacher sessions, the parents flew from dunno which part of the world specially to meet him, the relief teacher, then treated him to some super high class dinner in some hotel. KNN man, why he so lucky???

Haven't finished yet!!!! Called him today to arrnaged for a get-togetehr session this friday, and he suggested wednesday instead cos he couldn't make it on friday. Reason for not able to make it on Friday is that : He was went to Korea to gauge the English standard over there. All expenses and air fares and bla bla being paid for!!!! WAH lao eh, why he got such good deals??? Damn bloody jealous!!! ARGHHHHHH........


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