Saturday, May 07, 2005

3 things to tak about...

Yesterday was my 2nd dental appointment!!! I was some guinea pig for a friend of jianyang who was a dentistry student!!! Everytime i went for the appointment, that dentist to be will poke the gum inside and outside of my every tooth. Wah sia, damn painful. But ok la, i nothing much to do nowadays then i think being other pple's guinea pig is qiute fun!!!! Can have subsidised dental check-up, not too bad a deal rite?

But wat i wanna say is that actually it's quite sad to be a dentistry student leh!!! Cos i asked her wat will happen if her teeth and gum condition is bad. Then she told me that if their dental hygiene and condition is not up to mark, then they cannot enter clinic!!! Which means that they cannot experiment on guinea pig like what's she's doing on me now. That would mean that their graduation time would be affected!! Quite sad case leh!!!

Second thing is that i received a letter from the board of immigration and bla bla bla of Singapore yesterday!! In the letter, they're telling me to re-take my oath in order to be S'pore citizen. They said it's a procedure that i must go through after reaching my 21st bday and i must do it within 1 year if not my citizenship will be renounced!!! In order to take the oath, i must go to British High Commission to renounce my British citizenship then I'll have to go i also dunno where to renounce my Hong Kong SAR citizenship as well.

WAh biang eh, it's like how fucking troublesome???? 老天饒了我吧!!!!

Please lor, I have taken my wateva oath when i stepped into Tekong the 1st day man!!! Pledging my loyalty and life and wateva shit to protect the constituition of Singapore and the President and bla bla bla!!!! I did it again when i commissioned from OCS lor!!! You eman serving the damn ARMY for 2 plus years is not enough to not grant me, wat to sya, to extend my citizenshp and so on??? What the fuck!! Must make trouble for me to go here and their to obtain documents from different places, taking queue number for dunno how many times then travel to Lavender there to take the bloody oath in a small room, only the the officer alone their in Shirts and PAnts only, no jeans and t-shirt!! shit....

It's damn bloody erxin ok!!! imagine me wearing shirt and pants, i think i'll wear the OCS book-in attire la, then going to the immigration building in a small room in front of a fat malay auntie then raising my right hand saying all the fake and 肉麻 stuff sayign how loyal i'll be to s'pore and it's president and so on.... Shit man!

Ok, last thing to talk about. Hey Yaohui, 你這個吃裡扒外的冬瓜. Damn you man!!! Since Bangzhi written on the RV4E2000 BLOG saying that he wanted the soccer boots, it means that he sort of help us think of wat to buy already since he personally knew that we lacked of idea of wat to buy!! If you still dun understand, it emans that he expected the soccer boots from us!! It's ok for you to share present with wenjun they all la. BUT YOU BLOODY HELL STOLE OUR IDEA AND THEN NOW BEST LA, WE DUNNO WAT TO BUY!!!! so you bloody asshole, go home and CHINooK yourself!!! understand??? HAHAHAHA.


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