Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sound of Music

Just realised how old are we already!!! Freaking 21 years old this year liao lor!!! Last Sunday when i'm taking a feeder bus to Boon Lay interchange, my EZ link was out of credit and i asked the driver how much i needa pay by cash. $0.60 he said. Then i remembered there was a time when taking SBS feeder bus only cost you $0.25. When the cost of the same thing jumped by more then 2 times, it really showed how muhc time had passed... haiz... 人老了.

Not only bus fare, actually prices of everything around us rose qiute a lot recently. Today was having lunch with bangzhi and xiaoyu at the hawker center opp Ginza. While eating, there's a mid-age toothless woman leading a blind old man selling tissue. When they approached us, I was just preparing to give them the hand signal to tell them go elsewhere as i think it's out-right cheating to sell 3 packet of tissue at $1. But bangzhi stopped them and ya bought tissue from them. As we all know 3 packet for $1 was the norm in this line of biz, bz still out of courtesy and asked how much. The woman replied $1.20. Wah bish.... then bz commented such thing like helping pple also got 起價 one ah, then the woman gave an embarrassing smile and flash her toothless gum at us. Yucks, sheesh bish.... DISGUSTED... Freaking erxin.... bleahhhhhh

ok, enough of the price of everything and so on. Just wanna share about the experience of going for my first ever musical last Sunday. I forked out almost 100% of the one week pay i had working in Nuh for the tix for Sound of Music. Obviously I would hope that it'll be a good one or at least worth the money. I've watched the cartoon version of it when i was still quite young in Hong Kong and the movie version of it weeks ago when i realised that i have that vcd at home. My expecatation for the musical itself sould be at least on par with the movie, if not better.

So I met my friends, Chen Yaohao and Chong Yew Mun, for those who knew them la, at 1700 in City Hall, then after dinner we went over to Esplanade to walk walk see see. I specially went to the box office counter to take a look. Cos i remember the other time when i went to Esplanade for the James Moody concert, the counter girl there was DAMN CHIO AND SWEET. So just wnana take a look see whether she was still working there or not. haha. To my disappointment, the 3 counters att he box office were all sat by fat tudung MAlay Auntie!!!!! I bet they ate pork sausage or LUNCHEON MEAT secretly, if not why they so FAT!!!?? Bloody hell, see till eye sore!!!

The musical started punctually at 2000. I really preferred to watch this type of arts performance/events/concert than those pop/rock one. Those Pop/Rock stars alwasy very 大牌. They'll make you wait at least 1.5 hours, during which Daniel Ong and Shiek Heikel will occasionally came out talk a bit of cock and so on. Then when the light dimmed or the music being blasted, you thought your 偶像 were coming out. Then, Shit it man!!! it's some unknown guest artist/singer or local group performing for half an hour before the actual act starts. Always feel damn cheated at that point. but all will be forgotten when pple like Linkin Park, RHCP or bla bla occupied the stage. But then, i still prefer the performance to start punctually la, instead of waiting.

One thing i very amazed about the Musical is the efficiency of them chaging the backdrop. The backdrop is very nicely done and ya, the whole set up is very nice. I dunno how to describe la, my english not powerful, But just damn good. can ask bz or doreen to describe to you all la!!!! What's so amazing about the changing of scene was that beside the main one at the back, i actually cannot see crews moving the backdrop. it's liek the stairs or the statue just appeared and moved itseld. Maybe a suffered from night blindness or wat la.

Another very funny was that there's chinese subtitles for the musical. Damn funny sia.... The Chinese subtitles were displayed using those electronic board on top of the stage!!!! haha. It seems like making the whole play abit low class, but never mind la, i prefer them to have it. ARGH.... DOES THAT MEAN I AM LOW CLASS???? I DUN WANT!!!!!

Two things not very good about the musical was that i think for the performance that i went to, they used a local to play the youngest daughter of the Captain Von Trapp instead of the original one. Form the poster, i saw the original one was veyr chubby and cute, a little blondie!! really damn cute, but then the local who took over her role on the night was skinny and sibei act cute, a bit disgusting la....

The second thing that they can improve on is that i think they should search for a better guy to play Captain Von Trapp. I think he's qiute unclear in his speech. Hard to catch wat he's tlaking about. Or maybe i english lousy cannot cathc his accent la. bla bla lba....

Generally i think it's money well spent!!!! The $100+ that was spent for this musical was very worth it!!!! It's really great to have somthing like the Esplanade in Singapore therefore can attratc more n more good foreign performance here. It's really a totally new experience listenign to them singing live and the orchestra playing below the stage for the music.

Heard from Yewmun that ST was trying to get The Phantom of the Opera to perform here later this year. haha, if that's true, maybe it's time to save up again!!!

Song for Today : Eidelweisse by Captain Von Trapp

Current Mood : damn shiok to have watched a nice musical


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...actually i dun really like muscial cos most of the time i cant catch what the pple are singing..prefer dramas and plays...haha...i think we shld go and see a gd production one of these days...yah...newae ORD is DAMN SIANZ!!! :(

1:55 PM  

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