Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Charles and Camilla and Diana

A lot of people will brand Prince Charles and Camilla as the ultimate 狗男女 of the 20th century. Curse them for indirectly causing the suffering or even death of the well-liked Princess Diana. Actually this entry is just to discuss about the relationship between these 3 people.

First, talk about Charles. 他是一个被上帝遗弃的孩子. Why would i say that? Just for your info, on the eve or the week before he married Princess Diana, some joker attempted to assasinate the late Pope John Paul II. This time round all knew that the Polish pontiff passed away a week before his second marriage. If both his marriages marred by incidents like that, i think he's not loved by God. And he deserved not to be loved as he wanna to be re-incarnated into Camilla's tampon. Freaking 窝囊废, dun want face. 下流.

ok, then to Diana. Everyone takes her as the goddess of love and purity and so on so on. Bullshit... I think Diana was just a power-seeking ass. In the 70s, everyone in Britain knew of the Charles and Camilla affair. This teenage kindergarten teacher actually willing to marry a man that did not love her at all. What the motive behind this?? 2 reason, power or money or both. She wanted to become the queen, therefore she's willing to sacrifice her happiness by marrying him. She wanna get rich and lead a noble life, so she married him and so on...

I think she deserved to die!! Dun tell me that she didn't know of anything or how the royal fmaily function before she marry Charles. So i think whatever she did was to gain sympathy and publicity. To make Camilla a public enemy number 1 and bla bla bla... To a certain extent, she's very successful!! By participating in numerous charity events, she sort of portrayed herself as the angel sharing love. thus her stress, depression and suffering she went thru was the evil-doing of Camilla.

So conclusion is that i think such a scheming and cunning woman deserve to die!!! Not as if she's very loyal to Charles also! She had her fair-share of extra-marital affair also... Really cant stand the whole world loving her so much.... Dun be fooled by this power-hungry woman!!!

Last, Camilla. I dun know much about this woman. Maybe she can go down the history as one of the most notorious woman. I didn't read much about her. But what can be said is she is a real Slut and BI~AT~ch of all time!!!

" My great grandmother and your great-great grandfather had an affair, what about us? "

Wah, 世界十大淫言.

So i'll end it here!! just wanna talk something on this wedding!!! haha


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