Tuesday, April 05, 2005

LHH on Power

Before my this week's preach on power, just talking abt my job first. Its a very pathetic filing job in NUH.... $5.50 still needa contribute CPF, tt means take home pay is $4.40/hr, wah biang eh, i am doing charity man!!!! Stupid man, for every hour i work, i'll have to freeze $1.70 in CPF. maybe this can help me get a bigger house next time....

Damn suay this morning. Took 198 to work, as usual i dunno why when i took bus and with a seat beside me, i'll auto attract indians to sit beside me one.... I think i have the look that indians like. So I've actually developed this habit of keep diao-ing the one sitting nxt to be until they finally find another seat or got off the bus. I guess they knew it. But this indian today is was on a high man, I only gave him one deadly stare before closing my eyes to sleep. Cant adapt to waking up at 0700 sia.....

So when i got off the bus, i checked the seat b4 i alight, that indian, i'll call him muthu la, sitting beside me got off at the NUH stop as well. Hmm... there's nothing, so i assume i didn't left anything in the bus. But on the bridge i suddenly realised that my handphone went missing... Kah JEEE..... the bus left the stop already, couldn't get back on it to find my phone... sianz.... I ran to the office and started calling my own number. Heng sia... It's still ringing, meaning nobody KAPO it and off it.... haha. However no one is picking up the phone. I've called the 7th time till someone answer and to my surprise, it's an indian's voice. he said he's wokring in NUH also, so he asked me to go over to his place to get back my phone.

On my way there i've been wondering, he got off the bus first as he's sitting one the outer side. Assuming I dropped the phone on the seat, why he needa take it and didn't ask whether i've dropped it??? Cheebeh indian, playing punk with me. But at least he didn't cope my hp la....

One big scare in the morning.... What a way to start a morning!!! So now onto my weekly preaching session. This week I'll be discussing about power. Power, together with money, has always been one thing that man mostly sought after. All of us have different level of power and how we used it!!!

So here today, I'll be discussing 3 different ways people display their power and what we shld learn from it.

First one is 以權壓人 :

What is this man??? It basically means pull rank. As you were given the power as u are higher ranking in a system, you will have a bunch of man for you to rule to order to do things!!! But pulling your rank, normally your sub-ordinate will damn freaking hate you. You dunnid to treat them as human. Just treat them as animals, scold them shout at them dun give them face.

Good thing is that normally your men are damn scared of you, you'll get the things very fast, but then is that quality work??? It isn't. Your emn will only do a half-fuck job and just meet the quota in order not to get a scolding form you. You men will never willingly work for you too.

So i regard this as the lowest tactic.... Example of people using this method are all the warrant officers in Army.

Second is 以威嚇人 :

Ok, normally if you have the power, you will have certain AURA round you man!!! For example, when a BG wearing uniform walking pass you, u will be almost stunned by him to death!! It's the charisma and aura that his power gave him!!!

So a man with power can actually made use of this aura and charisma or wateva u call it to his own advantage!!! You'll never need to resort to lowly tactic by shouting and screaming at people. Go and talk to your subordinate nicely, assign him a task, give him a deadline, 99% of the time he'll complete the task on time. Why u need to make yourself an irritating person by being the 1st type when u can actually talk nicely???

But disadvantage of this type of use of power is that it's basically working on the same principle as the first type. It works on fear. Cos pple fear you, that's why they willing to comply to your order, but when u are in trouble, they wont come to your rescue, how to achieve that, it comes to the 3rd type of displaying power!!!

Third one is 以德服人 :

Yes, be very nice to your men!!! Be their friend, understand them, solve their problem. Become part of their lives!!!! Normally lower class people doesn't expect their boss to mix around with them, doesn't expect their boss to understand them, doesn't expect their boss to be part of them!!! But do the unexpected. The men are simple-minded. Though it's mean, but uneducated people are quite simple-minded, try to win over their heart by small gestures!!! Work hard with them together!!!

These people will then be very grateful. They think that youa re their saviour!!! Half of them will sacrifice their lives for you!!! Once you win over their heart, become their friend, you can do anything!!!! EVEN ORAL SEX!!! haha. okay, i'm lame.... never mind. But it's true, once you become their friend, you can make certain unreasonable request yet these people will agree to do it with no second thought!!! OT with no pay is just 1 example!!!!

And if you faced trouble and need support, you can count on them as I said they are eagerly waiting the chance to die for you!!!! haha.

I believe that in the very near future, some of us may become a man with power, so it's up to you on how to use and display your power. As the uncle of Spiderman said, " With great Power come great Responsibility. " Yes, so it's all up to you!!! Not using it wisely u will lose it in the eng.

To end this, i cant help but to put a song with no relevance to wat i discussed today.... Cos i liek this song too muhc recently liao...

Song for Today : Hard to say I'm Sorry by Chicago

Current state : rushing to go for soccer, I'm late!!!!


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