Monday, March 28, 2005

hey... just read the blogs cos very long nv read le... was super busy the pass week... zining... biz comm sucks. so many things to do de... then forever got new things to do... cannot stand it man. then the final presentation is individual lor... all along i tot its going to be some crap presentation on sentosa that can do as a group then no need to think so much. then the stupid michael conor.. dunno how to spell his name la.. go and change.
GRrr... wats with ang mohs anyway... last week hor... i had to rush a report and a presentation for RM cos the stupid angmor -- roger marshall (RM oso...) bring forward every thing by one week... thanks man.. i almost went nuts..
this week i got 3 presentations leh... THREE. today just did one... my class got this grp damn innovative... i dunno if i am being sarcastic or wat la.. but they spoil the market a bit... they did a skit for presentation... if u think skits are for primary sch kids... man r u wrong.. they are still doing it and they are 21 and 23. they did an apprentice cum survivor thingy... BUT they have no content lor... i mean... it was funny and entertaining and all but doesnt really address the question of the presentation... at least i think la.
waiting for my laundry to be ready so.. just tot i'll write something... to waste time and to relac a bit. just had a discussion for my presentation on wed. spent 3 hours in the lab doing the powerpoint. i am going mad. and today is only mon. SIGH...
2 more weeks to exams... i haven mug yet... but heng got 2 open book...
how ah.. my life is so meaningless... everyday go sch then come back do work...i need to do something exciting..
my PA haven confirm leh... NTU PA allocation suck lor. phase 2 is computer random allocate one.. then i nv get.. phase 3 is first come first serve... by the time i log in hor... all taken le... -_- suck.
TSK.. y my floor feel so dirty ah... maybe i shld mop it later.. better still... ask my roommate to mop. she nv mopped the floor before lor.. since we moved in.. cos she nv thinks it is dirty.
aiya.. enough of sch and sch and sch... i shall go collect my clothes and go bath, read my txtbook and get some sleep.


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