Monday, March 21, 2005

Days of Innocence and Ignorance

Oei! Liren, u spelt our pri sch's name should be Princess Elizabeth Primary School. Yep so now u ple've known more abt our pri sch thru liren's intro.

The gathering really brought back lotsa unforgettable memories of my pri sch life. This sounds cliched but juz can't help it...haha. Imagine meeting up with a grp of frens you've befriended fr an age as young as 6 years old and 1 even longer...since kindergarten (!) after so many years now that you are going to be 21 yrs old. But i really feel happy knowing that i'm not forgotten after nearly a decade though some can't recog me now. So much has changed over the years...

Now i shall share with u guys my 鲜少人知的过去. Save u all the trouble of interviewing me...haha
  • On the 1st day of pri sch, i was arranged to sit between a punjabi girl (Amreet Kaur) and a Malay boy (should be Khairul). My ang-moh was really 烂 back then and u can imagine the hard time i had in communicating with these new frens of other races at 1st. Strangely, I didn't interact much with liren in lower pri, probably coz we were never in the same grps. In lower pri, my best frens were melissa, angeline, yu tian and jeslyn while my good frens include jingyi, yingying (1st person i know who's also born on 5 Jul!), wenqing, andrew, soon wei, mingda, wenbin etc. From them, I learnt those chim chinese characters like "威","勇","彬" in their names in p1. We had so much to say over the phone; jeslyn and i even sang the famous early 90s songs like "潇洒走一回" over the phone. We already had our ktv sessions then. So funny. Whole lot of us always played games like monkey-bar, catching (all-time fav), hopscotch, 5 stones and zero-point during recess times. Still rem being jio-ed by angeline to perform a dance for dunno what concert in p2 and we rehearsed outside sch for it together with melissa, jeslyn and andrew. Later on, i joined chinese dance, chinese calligraphy club and also band (played clarinet for a short time) with my girl frens.
  • I was also punished by my form teacher before. In p2, when she found out that i did extra (of coz not intentionally) for my eng hw, i was punished in front of the whole class for the 1st time. My palms were hit by a long wooden ruler, somehow i also rem being slapped and had to 罚站 for a long while. Bet u guys never expected such a thing to happen to me but it did. ha. This was the ultimate - so humiliating and painful. What an experience! Perhaps this incident and my 志气 spurred me to 发奋图强 and hey i was proud to be 1st in class for the 1st time that year-end.

  • In upper pri coz of diff classes, i gotta know a new bunch of ple. I started to love playing basketball/captain's ball (we even got 1st for inter-class girls captains' ball tournament in p6). Then, I was especially close to nelly, sini and yanling. Sini, yanling and i are the best of friends man...n the best bball team-mates... Our combination was simply 无敌. We gossipped so much that somebody couldn't stand it and even wrote sth like 'can u dun gossip so much?' in my autograph. Ha...those were the days...

  • Of coz i also had interesting teachers: my p4-6 chinese teacher, Mdm Quek [Her teaching is like a drama ;)] ; my p3 form teacher, Mr Mathi (Mr 'Mati'); and my p5-6 form teacher, Mr Wong (the papaya-man)...
So much fun that I've enjoyed in PEPS :)


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