Friday, March 18, 2005

Tekong, Alpha and Omega....

Tekong, later today i will be stepping on this island again..... Collecting my pink ic. damn 感慨. This National Service journey is really full of ups and downs... though sounded damn cliche, but ya, i would like to think that i experienced more things than fellow 4E guys...... I actually very treasure this experience. On hind-sight, i would say I enjoyed life as a soldier, the 1st part due to all the training and new things we learnt, going thru tekan with fellow buddies and so on, the latter part is the stress-free life with lots of $$.

Just give it a review on the highs and lows of my Ns life.....

1) Enlisted (Jan 2003)

I still remembered the night before enlistment, i still watched 食字路口 till 1+am then i slept!!! The nxt day my mum accompanied me for enlistment!!! yup, 1st day in army, shaving hair, getting all the equipments and so on!!!! Managed to get tekan my my kee-siao PS on the 1st moment, the whole platoon carried fully loaded duffel bag runnign up n down the stairs!!! TYS knew it best!!!

I was assigned to Gryphon platoon4, section 4 bed 6. Just being shined by the spotlight head on!!! CAnnot manage to sleep at night... My 1st day in army.

2) Absess or dunno how to spell (4th week BMT)

Ok, i've grown this Absess or wateva thing on the right side of my body!!! It's some immune system disorder thingy i guess.... dunno why la, damn bloody pain!!! Lucky i discovered and see MO early, then get treatment early! The sadist doctor liek squeezed it till damn song like that as if i wont be pain!!! I bleed a lot!!! bleed till my whole chest was blood!!! damn bloody!!!! It took one and half hour to stop the bleeding!!!!

3) BMT field camp (5th week in BMT)

Nothing spectacular.... Just that i believe that we are the only company in BMTC that dio turn out in BMT field camp. NOt once, not twice, but thrice....... Cool field camp, lots of tekan by my PS!!!! but i respect him!!! He actually scolded my company 2ic as he was playing poker during field camp!!! sergeant scold 2lt, respect, cos the 2lt is wrong!!!

4) Posting (11-week old soldier)

Posted to OCS, can I ask for more???

5) Ex POI--Protection of Installation (dunno who many week into service term)

A 6 day exercise continuos exercise and mission without sleep!!! The last day, me and my buddy just heck care and hide under the camouflage net for the tent to sleep for an undisturbed 3-4 hours. haha!!

6) Social Night (somewhere early july)

First major social event held in OCS. Required to bring a partner to attend. Held at Raffles Town Club. Not knowing to ask who to go, i've asked Eileen Goh to go. Quite an enjoyable one!!!! But i think acting gentleman, i cannot man..... Feel damn weird!!!

Kanna sarbo to become the last 3 pair to take part in couple of the night competition. Of course didn't win..... After the event, just sent her back to her hostel....

7) Ex Wild-Cat (somewhere in Service Term 2 in OCS)

One of the many navigation exercise we had to do in OCS. This one was held at the Mandai Catchment area!!! It's the one and only time that my team came in first in the whole wing for any navigation exercise!!! Not bad a result, at least we were 1st once!!!

8) Ex Spade (late july early august 2003)

The notorious Ex Spade!!!! Tasked to dig MG trench.... It's big... No joke. Sheer mental power n determination pull me through!!! Salute to those buddies in my section who dug the perfect Commander post. 2+m deep. We're the best section in the wing man!!!!

9) Posting into different arms ie, armoured, engineer, infantry etc (end of service term 19 week into OCS)

Lost some of my bestest buddies to Combat Engineer. On the night of the posting, under the influence of alcohol, we were quite gone n knocked out by then!! Damn emotional, we hugged each other, wept n cried n so on.... so paisay.... but ya, it's really quite a sad moment.....

10) Army-Half-Marathon (14-09-2003)

21km of jogging!!! got kick sia!!! Finding excuse for myself now!!! I was locked out of my room, so my running shoes wwas in my room. didn't get to wear my own shoe to run!!! Then i was having slight fever of 37.8 the night before!! Not exactly at my best shape.... but i ran a timing of 1 hour 47min which i think was respectable.... though aiming for faster timing la. But ya, it's still the timing for fellow 4E guys to beat man. HAHAHAAH!!!! The next best timing was posted by hanfeng in 2004, 2 hour 02 min.....

11) Ex Starlight (21-09-2003 till 12-10-2003)

First oversea training!!! 台灣恆春. Once we alight frm the plane, from the airport to the camp-site, saw a lot of 檳榔妹, damn sexy, some wearing G-string only....

Training wise actually not super tough, the weather was torturing though.... one of the day recorded a stunning 44.9 degree celsius. No joke.

R&R was damn fun. Play all the way from Kaosiung to Taipei, went to a club or nightspot in taipei, though playing some mandarin or hokkien techno, but the crowd was pretty different form S'pore crowd. haha. The 小吃 in taiwan is marvellous!!! 雞扒, 甜不辣, 棺材版, 蔥油餅 and a lot alot la. oh 奶茶in taiwan is damn great!!!

ya, i also managed to wave to some school girls while sitting on a tonner to training!! HAHA. It's damn fun to go oversea and play around with friends!!!!

12) IPPT gold (not long after coming back form taiwan)

Standing Board Jump had been my weak event always!! Only event that preventing me form getting the gold that i so want!!! $200 leh!!! ok, so on the test that day, i miraculously jumped a 234cm, a gold mark, so i was motivated for my 2.4km run!!!

Led from start till the last turn... let no more gas!! haha, being overtook but still managed to clock my best personal timing!!! 8.58min for 2.4km run... dun think i'lll have chance to do any better than that since my leg is gone now!!!!

13) Ex Lancer aka Jungle Confidence Course (28-11-2003 till 19-12-2003)

Second oversea trip!!! Brunei is really somthing!!!! Not a place for you to joke with!!! A course full of events!!! anyway i just concentrate on the course itself!!!

All the killing of quail, chicken and rabbit were disgusting enough!!! You have to blow the rabbit up liek a balloon 1st before skinning it. Disgusting!!! Tried alot of funny wild fruits, leaf n so on la!!!

So to survival course. 5 day without food. then the nxt 5 with only 1 day ration!!! When the reward came in the 3rd day where we given very small portion of rice n leaf n yam n soon, cos of the daily and non-stop rain, we cannot set any fire, i ate it raw!!! RAW!!! RAW!!!! glad i didn't have food poisoning!!!

The 18day exercise got 16 days raining... anything to say??? SHIT man!!! came back singapore with a all time low weight since sec 2 of 55 kg. Anway i didn't pass the course!! A bit regret of not taking it seriously!!! A survival badge will add weight to my rank. HAHA lame!!!

14) Investigation + Punishment (21st dec 2003 till 27th Jan 2004)

Cheating case in Brunei. Nothing to elaborate!! What i've said i've told to those of my closer friends and my men and so on..... Long story to be told for 3+ hours non-stop!!!

Investigation is one hell of shit!! being lock up, cannot sleep eat drink for 14-17 hours a day, and then only for 1 hour of questioning in a room, facing 1 BG, 2 COL, 3 LTC, 2 MAJ answering to these old foxes qns. torturing!!!! This investigation lasted 4 days, including christmas eve. Then another 3 more from 3rd jan 2004 onwards!!! Sentence was given on 7th jan as 21days of RP. Means marching RP all the way till the day we commission!!!! During the Chinese New Year period we were the only few in SAFTI marching RP, no permission to go home.. YEAH!!!! TRAINING!!! i am getting mentally stronger!!!

15) ACPC n Commission Parade (28th Jan 2004)

Happiest day in the whole NSF life!!! Commission Parade is something that OSK cannot experienced cos of the rain!!! HAHA. sorry man osk, but it's really a gd experience tt u wont get to enjoy!!!! I am very glad that Junwei, Bixian and Yaohui came for my parade!!! really thanks alot man, for sharing my joy!!!

In the parade, damn emotional. Being commissioned as Officer of SAF with all the great friends for that 9 months..... yup. very special day!!! highlight of my life..... I started in Foxtrot Wing on the 1st day in OCS till the last!!! Foxtrot always.....

ACPC is a ceremony held 1 or 2 wk before the comms parade!!! It's the ceremony that we got our sword!!! Damn cool the sword. HAHA

16) Commissioning Ball (Feb 2004)

Went alone and ate 2 share... Stupid choice!!! If i gotta choose now again. i would definitely bring someone!!! Not something i would like to look back on!!!

17) Mis-fire (Mar 2004)

This was a rare event!!! A shooter at my unit mis-fired and shot his own thigh!!! I was a new officer, wat's worse was that the medict was even newer, he just passed out fromt he medict course the day before!!!

Lucky there were a few SOF lao jiao to do the drip and IV thingy while the medic panic!!! Me and my upper study just helped him do the bandage!!! It's a very shocking incident!! a lot of paper-work to follow and so on.. I was glas that i didn't panic and help in a way to facilitate the guys who got injured!!

You would never know how terrible is a gun-shot wound unless saw one urself, those shown on TV are total bullshit!!!!

18) Time with my men (throughout my unit time)

My men are a bunch of jokers from all sorts of different backgorund!! I wouldn't say that they're the best guys around, but time with them are actaully not bad!!

I followed them to do a lot fo stupid things... like car-racin at Lim Chu Kang there. Nearly caught by police.... Went to Changi VIllage to ji seow those ah gua, quite funny!!! Look at those fish-tank at you know where..... haha. not very gd activities. but then at least 增廣見聞 abit!!!

19) Promotion to LTA (01-02-2005)

Elaborated this topic in an entry earlier!! I was happy that i got promoted. though some of you might think it's lame n superficial!!! but i think it's an honour. deserved it or not. not for me to judge!!! I am just happy i got promoted!!

20) ORD (18-03-2005)

Stepping to the land of recruit again later today!!! 百感交加 but not knowing how to express.... Will get back my pink ic lor... happy??? ya, not exceptionally. But happy that i went through this 2 year+ journey will lots of fond memories that will follow me for the rest of my life.

Song of the Day : OCS song by all cadets or Infantry Song by all infantries

Current Mood : Loss of word!!!


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