Sunday, March 06, 2005

A recent Clubbing Experience


Till this day I've clubbed >10 times in around 8 different clubs altogether. Its something cool and exciting, when we get to drink strong cocktails and dance freely to trendy music with people around. Sometimes, its can be happening, spicing up the night. Whereas most of the time I enjoy the company of friends and join in the fun with other clubbers.

Last Friday... should be 25/02/2005... Friends in camp jio me to chiong again after a break of several months. This time round we went to ZOUK, simply to put into use 15 free ZOUK admission tickets which were expiring in days. Xiao Zhuang was one of the guys with the free tickets, which were souvenirs from this year's SMU open house. I was late and reached around 11pm. Turn out was especially high compared to previous clubbings, 14 guys came in all, including my friend's friends. Probably because of free tickets drew alot of my stingy friends to club that day.

The crowd on that day was not very large, like most other Fridays. At the security check point, I surrendered my free ticket to the bouncer, who tore it in 2 and dropped the pieces into a basket full of such tickets... ... In the club, we went for drinks 1st since house pours were 1 for 1 from 11 till 12. Xiao Zhuang recomemded a cocktail ( ma???!???!??? with lime) which name I can't pronounce. It taste of hard liquor(probably Vodka) in small amounts with traces of cherry and tropical fruit flavours in sour lime juice. All seems fine at this moment.

The SOP for clubbing--- dance after drink...the start of the day's nonsences. For those who're familiar with ZOUK, you'll know of its 2 seperated arenas, the main ZOUK and PHUTURE, each playing its own style of music but linked by a small walk way. My friends and I went PHUTURE for a start. Amazingly, the crowd seemed to have swelled after our entrance. I can see ~300 people on the small dance floor of PHUTURE, about the size of a basketball court. Thats even more packed than sardines in a can. We tried to squeeze our way thru the horde of clubbers, meandering around small gaps and wedging couples apart. It took ~5 minutes just to get to the dance floor 10+ m away. How ridiculous. In the dance floor, there was simply no where to move. We were just stuck there jamed by people from all sides. To avoid wasting time just standing on the dance floor, we decided to move out and check out the other dance floor. The exit was equally unpleasant and time consuming.


It was another puzzling scene at the main ZOUK dance floor, which was sparcely populated despite being ~3 times the size of PHUTURE. The music there sux---unrythemic, monotonous beats and relatively unknown pieces. Whoever spining then was rather poor at mixing the music, engulfing the whole dance floor in a heavy atmosphere. Most youngsters avoided this place, probably turned off by the unentertaining music like we do. Lousy the music may be but with abundant space available, we still stayed to dance.

While dancing, I constantly glanced and observed people around. The crowd around there was significantly much older than us, many in their 30s. An old Ah Beng around 50yrs old was clearly in the spot light when he hopped on the raised platform and showed off his moves. He dressed to his age, in flowery shirt, dark pants, belt & leather shoes, but with shirt unbuttoned. He seems to be some kind of gang leader or pai kia head there as there were equally aged men lighting cigarette for him. He was enjoying himself tremendously and later jio ladies near him up the platform to dance. Its amazing how a man of his age, style can still exert so great a charm on women young enough to be his daughter. 4 bangladeshi doing bollywood moves also went up the raised platform and rocked with the old beng. They seemed to bond rather well when I saw them light cigarette for each other. At another corner, I clearly observed the presence of an Albino guy glowing in the dark environment. This was the 1st Albino I've seen clubbing.


The music was just too sian... we could not take it any more. PHUTURE was a more enjoyable place, hence we wriggled thru the difficlut crowd again. With force and fine manoeuvring, we managed to scope out a small area within the massive pack of clubbers. However, it was still... stupid. The small space only allowed us to vibrate on the spot, with both hands stuck to the hips and shoulders cramped most of the time. I felt so sianzzz... when I could only monotonously vibrate in the masses. It was so sianz...... soo sianzzzz......sooo sianzzzzzzzz that my eyelids fell closed and slept, still upright in the middle of the dance floor... for ~10 minutes. When I woke up, the crowd was still as pack & squeezy as ever, and some of my friends too were shutting their eyes and yawning. Unbelieveable...Unbelieveably sianzzzz. It was so unhappening that I left the club early, just after 2 hrs.

I strolled outside ZOUK for 1/2 hr, till my frields came out one after another. They too could not take the boring state within. We came here to have fun, not get stuck in a crowd unable to do anything. At the entrance of ZOUK, I came face to face with the Albino guy I saw earlier. A close look at him made me suspect he was PM Lee Hsien Loong's Albino son. My friend agreeded with me. I was rather sure it was him. I saw him b4 and how many Albinos in S'pore dared to club in such a famous hangout. He was with a gal of our age, presumably his stead. Strangly, I did not notice any body guards around.

Shortly after that, I went for supper and then head home.



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