Monday, February 14, 2005

V-day Special : 南海十三少!!!

Hmm..... I think i am bloody old!!! I can still remember in 1991 when I was a primary 1 kid in Hong Kong. At that time, the most popular Hong Kong pop singer was 郭富城 with his no. 1 all time hit 對你愛不完. Every little kid on the street will imitate the dance-move of the song. It was the hippiest and the most in thing in town and this song elevated Aaron Kwok's status from a newbies to 四大天王.

Ok, then earlier yesterday, i switched on the tv and tuned to Channel 51. It just happened to have a New Year Special show, reviewing those greatest hits in the 1990s. To me, the 1990s was so recent and actually formed the biggest part of my life till now. But to my astonishment, when they played the MTV of 對你愛不完, it was so bloody 老土. Loss of words..... I bet those a few years younger than me will definitely mock at me for liking such things when they saw this mtv. Anyway I am too embarassed to admit I once liek it also la....

So, by sayign this irrelevant thing, i just trying to bring out how old we are already.... 感慨萬分 man. I am really a damn old man!!!! haiz.....

Ok, end of this feeling so old rubbish!!!! Today is 14th Feb, the highly decorated St. Valentine's Day. 13 out of 17 guys in 4e2000 are still singles, so i am doing charity here, advertising them for free ONLINE!!!!! Yay, so if you guys are grateful to me, just drop a comments to thank me or wateva.

But before doing so, just to publish the four who are attached.

Oh, side-track abit!!! I cant stand this bloody man in my camp!!! Not that i think i very smart or what. But i think Malay+ITE = Ultimate Stupid Idiot!!!!! This guy named Ghazali in my camp always talk as if there's a bloody 10" dick in his mouth!!! Dunno his tongue is too short or what the F*** la. Damn bloody erxin!!! ANyway this stupid boy when filling up the personal particular form in my unit, at the column under marital status, HE FILLED ATTACHED!!!!! Wah biang eh!!!! Never meet such stupid pple b4 lor!!!

One more stupid thing from this Ghazali. Our unit had a CNY unit dinner at the steamboat place at Marina South there on 7th Feb. I decided to share a cab with 3 other frens to go to the place form marina bay mrt. Then when i was going to close the door, i saw this bloody idiot running towards us and asked me which bus to take to go to the place and how many stops!!!! Hey IDIOT, there's only 1 bus you can take at the bus-stop, and all the pple at the bus-stop were pple form our unit, cant you just follow them??? STUPID ASS...

Enough of this idiot, so go on to the 4 guys who're not alone tmr :

1. Chen Bangzhi. Been with xiaoyu since sec 1. This is the 9th year liao. Time to get married.

2. Bai Jiamin. Been with geraldine(4e also) since sec 3 or 4, i also dunno..... Damn long also liao haha!!!!

3. Tay Yuankai, with lijun(another 4e girl) since sec 4??? i think so.

4. Yeo Junwei. Hey JW, i forgot your gf's name liao!!! HAHA!!! together since last year bah....

Free advertisement and my preview of their love lives in the coming year for the 十三位少爺 who're single and available. They're (by 4e reg no. order) chee yaohui, chee zhonghong, lau boonjia, lin weiting, lo hok him, ma hanfeng, ong sweekim, seow zhixiang, teo yongsheng, than jianyang, yap weiming, eric and of course zeng liren.

Chee Yaohui :

Chee Yaohui has very few rumour except for 1 in lower sec. Never has a gf before!!! This boyish look guy is a cheerful guy. A quiet yet humourous guy!!! Has grown up alot during NS, is a future engineer!!! Cant think of any short-coming. Maybe he too shy liao, so girls who like yaohui must take initiative hor!!!!!! Girls, what you waiting for man????

I think CYH shld have no problem in this aspect of life. He once said that go Uni must find gf liao. He so tall, so rich, so strong, so handsome; can fight, can fire 155mm gun, can do maths, can kick balls; with brains like Einstein, smile like Mona Lisa, muscle like Arnold, fortune like Bill Gates, next year this time he shld be happily celebrating his 1st v-day with his girlfriend!!! haiz... at the same time abandoning his long-time buddy which is me LA!!!

Chee Zhonghong :

CZH is a very determined, harworking and a 力求上進的好青年. Never has a gf before also. Though he's a bit too short, standing at 162cm, but who cares about height right???? A bit too calculative at times, must learn to be more generous. Not very gd PR skill, but 我以漢峰的名譽保證 that zhonghong is a nice guy by nature!!! I think he'll be a very 溫柔體貼 type of bf. Wow, I'm amazed with myself that i can actually come out with almost one whole paragragh of good words for you czh, HAHA, must pay me man!!!!

Sorry zhonghong, i think by nxt year this time you'll still be in the 4E bachelor club!!! don't ask me for reason, just instinct!!! Dun say I 看衰你 also, but I AM LA!!!! HAHAHA!!!!

Lau Boonjia :

Future doctor, 大好前(錢)途. Has a few gf before. This shows that he is in high demand man!!! This guy is extremely funny, cocky n bla bla bla.... Being ex rv x-country captain shows that he is an athletic guy who can lead!!!! 好MAN喔!!!! Though he's abit 發福 now and some might think he's too childish, but does it really matter??? No right!!!

LHH's prediction is that with his experience, charm n sweet-talk. He shld not hold memebership to this bachelor club for too long!!! Anyway he doesn't join our bachelor outing also, so his membership is going to be forfeited soon la....

Lin Weiting :

What more to say about this brainy kid man!!!! My sis said that he looks like a Tweety Bird!!! And i think a lot of girls like tweety bird. Another guy with no gf before. This guy can offer the sense of security that you need. Being the big brother in his family, he's responsible and ever-ready to offer care and concern for you. What more you asking for from a guy man???

However, LHH think that weiting is too humji liao. He himself does not wish to have a gf so soon too. So 1-year extension to your bachelor club membership card!!!!

Lo Hok Him :

Oh, isn't that me??? Haha. No gf before also!!! I have a very high tolerance for girl anyhow throwing tantrum becos of no reason or pms. This threshold is being pushed up higher and higher day by day after tough training by my sis!!!! Besides this, i am generally an asshole with nothing much worth mentioning already!!! So girls who like to 發脾氣 and no guy can stand you, you can consider me man. HAHA!!

My prediciton on myself, isn't that a bit weird??? Anyway i too humji and too sarcastic and niao for anyone liking liao, so highly likely nxt year this time i'll be typing somthing like this again.....

Ma Hanfeng :

Fill in the blank yourself!!!! This guy is too perfect and high up there!!! Dunno wat to say!!!

For him, looks over any and every thing, so I think very hard...... 我鄙視你, 鄙視你, 鄙視你.

Ong Swee Kim :

SAF Officer leh, mai siao siao!!!! Winning Eleven Champion of 4E also. Dun play play!!!! Several rumours between him and some girls but he's also no gf till now. Has a beautician-sis, so this guy will get more n more prettier and more and more metro-sexual!!!! Kim the philosoper has his unique way of seeing, dealing and intepreting things, try talking to him more and you'll realise that he's very approachable!!!! Oh, he getting his motorbike license soon too, SO DAMN COOL!!!!!

Hard to predict for Kim, being in engine fac might reduce the possibility like yh and me!!!! But it's really very hard to say la!!!

Seow Zhixiang :

蕭律師!!! Extremely knowledgeable. Offer insight views on issues from different fields of study!!! Very artistic and has a very good taste of food!!! I think he can draw the best pictures apart from those who take arts. Not one who'll shy away from girls. Able to speak well and present himself well in front of others shld earn him lots of points!!! So girls, grab the chance to become his 1st gf!!!

I remembered he once said that it's not that good to get into a relationship in Yr 1. If he meant wat he says, he shld stay in the club for at least 1 more year.

Teo Yongsheng :

Pretty BOY!!! I think TYS is even more metrosexual than OSK man. His romance history I also not veyr sure!!!! Anyway tys is a guy very good to talk cock with. He's very confident of himself and at the same time wont 壓扁 others. Have been in very good relations with both guys and girls, popular among girls yet not a flirt!!! I LOVE TYS!!!!

Another guy who said that he wont quit the club in coming year in the previous bachelor outing. So just wait and see.

Tham Jianyang :

Another guy in medicine. What's better to be the gf of a doctor?? Seems like doctors are in higher demand!!!! Only doctors from the 十三少 have gf before!!! RJ volleyball captain, Rv DSC chairman. Seems like all the doctors have leadership qualities. 偶像偶像!!!! Blessed with good look also, but i hate his dyed-hair!!!!

Not being stucked in the smelly camp of SAF, all of us been wondering why he's still single now!!! Weiting once said that there's a curse on us being single and we need someone to break it!!! He pointed JY as the most likely candidate!!! JY, we all rely on you man!!!!

Yap Weiming :

WM is the 4th tallest guy in RV leh!!!! He always managed to make a normal line sound damn funny!!! Though very quiet, but never fail to make you burst into laughter. Some might think he looks abit gay, but no, he's not man!!! Life-guard here leh!!! I dunno how to swim lor!!!!

Generally he leads a very secret life!!! Dunno wat he's doing man!!! so very hard to come out with a prediction for him.

Eric :

Super nice guy!!! I've never seen such a nice guy as eric before!!!! Never see him get angry before and he's very tactful in resolving dispute!!! A game expert!!! Master in any game he plays. Eric is a very smart guy, no lack of humour genes also. And yes, eric slims down alot during NS!!!! CHEERS!!!!!

I really hope eric can find a veyr very nice girl!!!!

Zeng Liren :

My 1-decade fren!!! same class for consecutive 8 years in 3 different school. I think he plus-points i type till the pig flies also cannot finish!!! Just list a few here, though never have a gf b4, he has a lot of females frens. Good PR!!! Well-established!!!! Dare to try a lot of new stuff!!! Adventurous. Roller-blading, clubbing are just 2 of his new found hobbies. A guy with 好酒量. hmm.... the list goes on n on, girls, why dun you find it out yourself???

Let's end the prediction as the same way i do it for the 1st guy. Liren, u so tall, so cool, so hip, so handsome so rich; own car, own condo, own credit card; can talk, can drink, can dance, can drive; Liren, 你行的.

HAHA, i think i will 折壽折福, 遭天譴, 被雷劈, after writing so many things against my conscience. Anyway it's really a good way to pass time on V-day, so that i need not go out and see all the couples happily walking on the street. haha!!!!


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