Friday, January 28, 2005


Hi guys its me again…haha…wondering why I’m posting another post so fast…well, its because I having one of those rare periods where my brain is having a lot of ideas…hahaha…so here I’m at it again…but compared to the post below…this one is quite lame and whatever is written here are not really connected, but nonetheless, hope you all enjoy it…

Ok…last Tuesday, my fren Mr A, the duty clerk and me were sitting under the night sky talking cock because we were bored and could not sleep…so we were talking about what evil things we did in sec sch and my fren relate to us one particular racist and funny phone frank on an Indian who happens to operate a mama shop…below is how one of those phone conversations my fren had wif the mama.

“ Ring, ring ring…the phone rang (sounds familiar?). It was one am in the morning and the phone in the Mama shop is ringing incessantly. The Mama struggled out of his bed and went to pick up the phone…”

A: Halo…is this the mama shop?

Mama: Yah…(with a very thick Indian accent)

A: Ok, mama, I’m feeling very hungry now…I would like to order something to eat… and that will be ten thousand packs of Twisters (dun ask me of all food, y twisters)

Mama: Huh, you call wrong number

A: you Fu*king black mama…which part you dun understand… I wan twisters…you black ass****….

Mama: you fu*king bastard, u fu*king bastard…

So the conversation went on with my friend letting off a barrage of vulgarities and mama scolding “you fu*king bastard”, seems like it’s the only English vulgarities he knew… until my fren slam down the phone and laugh himself crazy…

Ok, now let me go on to the next topic and that is jobs are actually completed by people that is not the most capable of doing it… why do I say this…ok let us assume that this person, Mr A is very capable and he keeps on getting promoted. He will then reached a position where he cannot perform up to or exceed the expectations of what that position requires and so Mr A will stagnant at that post since he has perform to the best of his ability liao. So by promoting Mr A, the company is actually removing a capable person from a post which he has fulfill his responsibilities efficiently and putting him in a position where he under-performs… for thought rite…

Ok now to the next one…its actually regarding the meaning of my zodiac…just posting it up so that I can introduce the website to you all…haha…so here it is:

“Libra is said to be the sign of the great diplomat, because you are able to see both sides to every question, and your ancient symbol-the only inanimate symbol in the entire zodiac-is the scales of justice. And while in our hearts we all like to think we know what justice is, in reality it's a rather abstract concept. Like the ancient Chinese curse you were born into interesting times. You are the type of person who can stunningly manipulate activities behind the scenes in an effort to achieve a 'harmonious" outcome.

You adore any arrangement that creates peace between opposing forces. You simply cannot abide disharmony, and will go out of your way to avoid it. When your relationships are running smoothly you are on top of the world. A powerful Scorpio keeps your eye on the ball of bottom-line calculations, while a Sagittarian suggests interesting compromises. A practical but idealistic Capricorn helps you synthesize your options.

Your greatest challenge is to achieve compromise without totally compromising your ethics, and your greatest strength is your ability to combine fire and water to make powerful steam.”

Haha..interesting rite…because it combine both the Chinese zodiac and the English horoscope to predict out a personality…the website is
So if you are free, try it…its quite fun

Current Song: Singing for the moment by Eminem

Current Mode: Love sick


Blogger LoHokHim said...

hey, i think the jobs are not completed by pple who are most capable of doing it!!!! not bad, really food for thought!!! haha!!! hey, help me check Taurus leh!

12:03 AM  
Blogger zxseow said...

Not surprising what Econs student. You theoretically produce at the point where Marginal Product = 0 or slightly over in practice, not when MP is max. Wake up.

10:10 AM  
Blogger zxseow said...

"your greatest strength is your ability to combine fire and water to make powerful steam"...Die liao. I am destined to operate a hyrdoelectric plant.

10:15 AM  
Blogger z|ninG said...

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1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dunno why but somehow i observe that some incapable ple juz love to volunteer to do work which are (obviously)outside their capacity and capable ple will be left to clear up the mess... ha! am I becoming more n more cynical?

1:54 AM  
Blogger jo-hor-se said...

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9:53 PM  
Blogger jo-hor-se said...

Is anonymous zining?

10:00 PM  
Blogger z|ninG said...

yah...coz i forgot to change the 'posting as' default when i rewrote that comment...

11:51 AM  

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