Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Conservative mum and Cha-Cha dancer.

For those of you who know my mum, u'll know that she's very naggy and very 封建 in thoughts. Many of you would think that why I am so conservative, why i cannot stand pple dye hair, body-piercing and so on.... Actually it's 遗传 from my mother. She is damn damn damn 传统, living in a set of moral guidelines set by herself and trying to impose it on me and my sis. I think she more suited to live in Ming Dynasty than 21st century!!!!

It's damn hard to knock some sense into her mind as she's extremely stubborn!!! Therefore i would sometimes keep things from her. However most of the time I will still 委屈 myself to follow her way as I'm a 乖儿子. Maybe that's the reason why I dun have a girlfriend cos my mum always said that only wait till finish studying and establish a stable career, then it's time to find gf.

Hey mother, if like that i can remain single for the rest of my life and you dun have to 抱孙子了.

Anyway I am talking how conservative my mother is because of an incident happened yesterday!!! I cannot stand her, so i have to bitch about it online!!! bla bla bla.....

It goes like this.....

Recently, when i go out i would sometime wear this neck-chain or necklace or wateva u call it. Anyway i didn't buy that, i wont spend $$ on such things and i am not an act-shuai-kia!!!! But for certain reason i just wear it la. I know that my mother would definitely make noise if she knew abt it!!! so i just kept it away from her, dun let her see the chain or wateva it's called.

Normally I just kept it in my jeans pockets. Then i dunno why yesterday the chain just dropped out from the pocket, and she saw it!!! So no surprise, she commented to my sis (in cantonese ) : " 哎哟,男仔之家学人戴埋D古灵精怪既野做咩?? " It means " aiyoh, why a guy go and wear all this weird weird things for wat??? "

Hey mother, pls lor, what weird weird thing??? What's wrong with a christian wearing a necklace/chain attached to a cross/crucifix???? It's not as if it's attached to some 弥勒佛,观音娘娘,佛祖,平安符 or Allah or wateva S**T.

But anyway when such thing happens, i would just talk nicely to my mum and she'll just give in to me. HAHAHAH. As i say she's very 封建, therefore she's very 三从四德 also!!! 三从 is 从父,从夫 and 从子. Since both my grandfather and father are not around anymore, my mum normally listens to me. This always makes my sis quite buay song, but like i care. HAHAHA!!!

Ok enough of my mother for now. Go on to the 2nd part of this entry!!!

On sunday, as i was returning home from church, i wait for bus at the bus stop. I stand quite near to the bus bay, then a bus arrived, not the one i waiting for. The bus stopped at the bay with it's exit door right in front of me. That means I am blocking those passengers alighting!!!

Knowing so, I took 2-3 steps backward!!! But the fat auntie who was the 1st to alight from that bus just chiong straight at me!!! Anyway i dunno why those 欧巴桑(fat auntie) always like rushing for time like that. They will cut queues in the most dulan way you can think of, use their fats from various part of their bodies to oust you out of their way and they will NEVER 让路 as if the road build by their husband like that!!!!

Anyway back to that particular Fat Auntie who managed to win the race and emerge as the 1st to get down from the bus. She just chiong striaght and direct at me!!! As her breasts are quite huge, there was really a danger that i would be touched by her breasts and be contaminated for the rest of my life!!!! Sorry for being crude, but i really quite scared!!!

To save myself from being contaminated, i quickly retreated a few more steps, hoping the Fat Auntie would change her direction in the space i've given her!!! But she didn't. Ok fine, so i changed my direction of retreat, but bloody hell, she followed my new direction and still charging at me!!!

Then I was a bit irritated, so i dun care so much and stopped moving backward anymore, not wanting to create space for her!!! AND I STARED AT HER!!!! Anyway i like to stare at strangers. HAHA!!!

That Fat Auntie was quite agile also, she stopped in time as well and didn't touch any part of me!!! Lucky sia!!! I assumed she's a little scared by my fierce look, so she moved back a few steps instead. Then I took advantage of that and moved in front, trying to force her to turn back and get lost!!!

But that 肥婆 quite 倔强 also!!! Refused to give in. Then i decided not to 计较 with such people anymore. Retrieved my stare and stepped aside tell her in a very sarcastic tone "请走!!!". Finally she left!!!!

After that Fat Auntie left. My friend besides overseeing the whole episode said that just now I and that Fat Auntie moving backward and forward, it really looked like I'm dancing Cha-Cha with her. AH BISH!!!! What an insult, LHH dancing Cha Cha with Fat Auntie!!! KNN.

If such thing happen again next time, I'll make sure I'll slap the nxt fat auntie till she 磕头认错.


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