Wednesday, January 12, 2005

以小人之心,度君子之腹(version 1.1)

I write the story below in that way is just for the fun sake of it. Not that i believe my boss is so concerning or such a nice guy. I still dun think that he's a great guy or smth. But at least i wont curse him to die!!!! I think he is still an old fox. But he is of a higher level now, no longer a 真小人, he's a 伪君子. So just treat the following as a partly true, partly ficiton story la!!!!

The title is not directed at anybody, but it's to criticise myself, LHH!!!

I think i've been misunderstanding my boss for sometime, thinking he's a complete asshole, all out to tekan a handicapped officer. Assuming he's suffering from some mid-age crisis and male meno-pause. Feeling that i've became the 小强 that he would play around when he's too boliao!!!!

So, since yesterday he told me to go back to camp today and wanted to speak to me, i've been planning with horsy in the afternoon, then my sis later at night to think of strategies to 对付这只老狐狸. My sis and I tried our best to anticipate what my boss will say, and we've came out with no less than 10 different ways to deal with him. No matter how 尖酸刻薄 he will be, or if he raised his voice, I still have lines to 顶撞 him in a very calm way!!!!

At the same time I've polished my tone as well. Cos I always had the habit to laugh when I'm talking, cannot be serious. But when I try control my laughter, then i'll sound damn 欠揍 one.
Like coming all out to ask for trouble like that!!! So there's a need to practise the tone i'm going to use.

Thinking I'm well prepared, I went to camp today. My boss went to PLC for a meeting today, so i actually waited for him from 10+ till around 2+. During this period, besides sleeping, I also discussed with my camp-mates about how the conversation with my boss shld go later!! I restrained myself from telling jokes or talk about funny things cos I had to 培养情绪 for the more serious talk later.

At 1418, my boss stepped into the office. He spoke to another officer on official matter, then he kept loitering around, didn't ask me to go into his room for a talk. I was thinking is he trying to tekan me again??? Is he not in the mood to play with 小强 for the time-being??? Or he purposely wants me to wait till around 4+ then talk to me???

Actually I was a bit scared also. Not knowing what's the path ahead; not knowing how mean can he be; not knowing what ridiculous and no-answer questions will be asked etc etc bla bla bla bleah bleah......

Finally i decided that i shld go and make the 1st move instead of waiting for Sunday to come. So i knocked his door and asked him whether he's free to talk to me.

I'm not going to type out the conversation, but then it goes like 1st, he asked me of my condition and how the doctor said. I'm super stunned and surprised by the mild n calm tone that he used. Totally out of my expectation. So my line of defence broke down. I was softened immediately. I really could not tell whether it was his cunning tactic or he is just a very nice person, but i choose to believe he's a very nice person by nature.

Then he told me that he's really very lack of manpower and there're quite a lot of paperwork to settle. He asked me whether i'm able to come back during my mc to help with the lesson plans etc etc. As i already think that he's a good man, and i am not good at rejecting pple, i told him it's okay for me to come back, starting friday onwards. Maybe he achieved his aim through talking to me nicely, i just cannot resist nice words and not helping nice guy. haiz.......

After that, he proceeds to another topic, about my promotion to LTA. He told me that my parent unit BMTC 1 had refused my promotion cos i didn't take the 2nd year IPPT due to my injury. Then i dunno why i suddenly so fake and said the following line :

" Sir, if I really did not meet the requirement to get promoted, then so be it. Cos i think because of my injury, i didn't really fulfill the obligation as an officer, so i do not deserve the promotion. "

HAHAHA, i am damn fake right???? Even I despised myself for saying such such such fake stuff.
eeeeeee...... so erxin, typing it out also make my hair stand, dunno how issit possible to say such things. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Going crazy!!!!

Anyway, my boss said that he will put forward an argument that since my window of taking IPPT only opened from late march onwards till end of december. It's not as if my injury happened in nov or dec, it's in june. So it's reasonable that i didn't take the test as the other officers in my unit also took the test in Nov only. He'll putting this claim forward to get me promoted, but will I get promoted, let's wait and see. But I'm totally convinced that I am so wrong about, totally mis-judge a person. He's so good to me. What a loser i am man!!!! Using my 小心眼 to judge others.


I've already deleted the entry tt i posted yesterday about how i would get pple to murder him if i could. I've also change my MSN nick n display pic as the previous nick n pic is a curse directing at my boss as well.

So I'll be going back to camp from friday onwards, help him to settle any outstanding matter left around in the office. And for about 20+ working days more, I'll be able to clear leave and ORD LOR!!!!!!


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