Sunday, January 02, 2005

Nominees for the Person of the Year (2004)

2004 did not end in the perfect way that we hoped it would be, but let's not be bothered by it too much and get started with 2005 with a bang man!!! HAHAHA!!!

The first grand event of the year will be the crowning of Person of the Year 2004 of RV4e2000. The committee had decided on the 5 guys from a pool of 17 4E guys. Then all of you will get the chance to vote for your beloved by either posting comments or just indicate it on the tag-board!!! The results depend solely on your votes, so please support your favourite!!! If the voting rate falls below expectation, the winner will be decided by none other than the committee. Results will be announced anytime in January 2005, so guys, please log on whenever possible.

Before announcing the nominations, I first introduced you the committe members of the RV4e2000.Blogspot-----Seow, Horsy, LHH, Emperor Chee, OSK.

Without further ado, the Nominations of Person of the Year 2004 of RV4e2000 is as follow!!!!

Nominee no. 1 : Lin Weiting, aka LinLin.

Occupation : CO PA.

Born : 17th Nov 1984

Ht/Wt : Self-claimed 183cm (shld be less)/ Self-claimed 68kg (shld be more)

Description :

A very special brain that enabled him to score 4A2D and yet a C6 in A lvl. Points to take into consideration is that he actually rushed to take his Chemistry S paper after one whole sleepless night of mahjong. Siao man!!! Another stupid move is that he gave himself a sissy nick of LinLin.

Famous moment/quote:

Weiting's rise to fame is due to these 2 famous lines, "I dun mind" & "Mesomeric". His version of "I dun mind" is not the normal "I dun mind" that you will say. It's being sung in notes E(I), A(dun), then E & G(mi--nd) in harmony!!! That had became a classic through the year 2004. One worthy nomination for the award right??

Another moment of magic is when he mug his favourite chem notes, he suddenly keep shaking his head ina lunatic manner and repeating the word "Mesomeric", looked like a total idiot in a trance!!!!

Guys, what you waiting for??? type 1 to vote for LinLin.

Nominee no. 2 : Chee Yaohui aka Emperor Chee aka Ming Mozong (明末宗)

Occupation : Taking charge and loading rounds for our Primus in 21SA

Born : 25th May 1984

Ht/Wt : 165cm/55-6kg

Description :

Another nominee from the former class of 2i1998, the second largest party in RV4e2000. His innocent look, together with his pure and uncorrupted mind had won him popularity among both male and female group in the class.

Famous moment/quote :

Yaohui's famous quote is definitely "Cheng Rang Cheng Rang" which in chinese 承让 x 2. As a decendant of the royal family of Ming Dynasty, this guys really thought that his family still holds the political power in majority of Asia, 别做你的春秋大梦了!!! HAHAHA!!! Trying his best to converse in ancient chinese, but we can see it clearly from his famous quote that he had lost his instinct as an emperor. Since when Emperor will say 承让承让??

For those who still support this 亡国之君 (an emperor who lose his country ), type 2 in the tag-board or comments.

Nominee no. 3 : Tham Jianyang

Occupation : Medicine undergrad in Nus, future doctor

Born : someday in November 1984, should be 10th Nov 1984

Ht/Wt : 177-8cm/unknown

Description :

The only RJC guy from RV4e2000, our class secretary for 2 years in a row sure mean business. He excel in both studies and sports, RJ volleyball captain, mai siao siao!!! His house is the homeground for our annual BBQ, this sure scores point for him man!!!

Famous incident/quote :

2 famous incidents/quotes defined this guy!!!

First being in Teban Street Soccer, he had a conversation with Junwei as followed,

JY : hey, r u studying ur Uni oversea???

JW : ya, most likely.

JY : so which one u hoping for???

JW : Hopefully MIT.

JY : Oh, why MIT?? Cal-Tech more HIP sia!!!!

From then on, the word "hip" entered the life of every single 4E guys and became a very widely used phrase.

The second incident happened one of the day in December 2004, when Jy, horsy and me went to Kino, JY saw his friend. He used a very special way to greet his friend that both horsy and me were stunned and since then we greeted each other that way too!!!! That special way is dragging the word "oei" which becomes "ooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiii" and at the same time stretch out your right arm to reach your friend!! hehe!!!

So guys, if you think that JY deserves the award, type 3 and vote for him!!!!

Nominee no. 4 : Ma Hanfeng aka Horsy!!!

Occupation : Operations Room Admin Support Assistant in 39SCE<----- as requested by the nominee himself

Born : 18th Dec 1984 Ht/Wt : 170cm/60kg

Description :

A guy full of paradox!!! Science student in HwaChong yet didn't study any of the science subject, failed Maths C like siao yet forced to drop physics, Maths is obviously atrocious yet score 800 for SAT maths, GP got B3 yet is a future lawyer, in an engineering unit dealing with chem bio radio defence but he's without knowledge of any of the sciences, totally combat fit yet CMPB said he's Pes C and lots more to say about this man!!!

Famous moment/quote :

Do I need to elaborate more on the sec 2 chalet toilet incident??? Those who knows will know, those who dunno I am not telling you the story as to reserve some pride for our Mr Horse as he had grown up already rite???

Yup, this year horse also designed a new style for himself, which is the hippy style!!! Just look at photo of him in previous blog entries man!!! Take an extra note on his hippy hand-sign!!!! And i think we should applaud his effort in fighting acne as well!!!

Horsy is my personal favourite to win the award, if you share my view, vote for horsy by typing the number, 4!!!!

Nominee no. 5 : Zeng Liren aka Establisher aka 佛祖 (honrourary president of AiFoHui)

Occupation : Specialist in Armour Engineering <------ does it sound very pro???

Born : 9th march 1984

Ht/Wt : 182-3cm(aka 3rd tallest guy in RV at sec 3)/unknown

Description :

The most celebrated individual in RV4e2000. Same class with me for a consecutive 8 years, it's fated man!!! He is the barometer of hippy-ness of the class of 4E. We measured oursleves against him!!! Don't be deceived by his outlook, he's a damn rich guy with family income of $15k/mth 6 years back!!! so it maybe $20+k now??

Famous moment/quote :

Too many to list!!! But just type out one here la!!! Liren is the man who set the fashion standard!!! Forever so hippy and so on!!! One of his fashion statement is WEARING SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT!!!! Isn't it the talking point of the year?? According to horsy, one of the night after soccer session at around 9+pm, they took the same bus home and from his bag, liren took out a sunglasses and wore it in the bus!!!


If you are a fashion maniac and think liren is your icon, type 5 to vote for him!!!!

So, I've introduced you all the 5 nominees of the award!!! and the voting starts NOW!!! It'll last till the day i call it end!!! I hope that the above report let you get to know all 5 of our nominees better. Please vote, they need it and every vote counts!!!!


I've just received a call and a special demand is being made!!!! The following guy was being requested to be added in the race for the award!!!!

By popular demand,

Nominee no. 6 : Chee Zhonghong aka SharpAss aka 蜜桃仙子.

Occupation : 修车的

Born : 14 or 15 Jan 1984 IN MALAYSIA!!!!!!

Description :

Seriously do we need to say more about this guy????

Famous moment :

hmmm..... All can still remember the raiding of you-know-what in his house!!! Also is he begging for marks from all the teachers, and so on so on!!! really dun wish to comment too much!! All have eyes to see!!!

So ZHONGHONG-LOVERS!!!!! type 6 to vote for him!!!!


Blogger jo-hor-se said...

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3:33 PM  
Blogger jo-hor-se said...

Alamak! How come my voting card dun have my nominee? Ok nvm I add myself!

Nominee no. 7 : Lo Hok Him aka Pai Ka Sir!

Occupation : Telling firers to watch their fronts at SSC

Born : 29th Apr 1984

Ht/Wt : 172cm/59kg

Description :

A former 4E Army Half Marathon champion and 4E record holder for the 2.4km, Hokhim USED to be a really good runner until unfortunate events took out his right knee and left ankle. Yearns for a girlfriend but actually he has no lack of suitors. Romantically linked to bx and a special fruit called Pomelo, Hokhim is a highly controversial man indeed and his love scandals never fail to fill the headlines of The 4E Tabloid.

Famous moment/quote :

One day after the JC Open House at VJC, he, me and dunnoe who were on the MRT on our way home. Suddenly, he made a very strange comment.

What is the meaning of Niu Sine Labore (VJC's sch motto)?

"Niu means cow, Sine means not, Labore means Labour. Together, they mean cow is not labour! Niu Bu Shi Labour!"

Upon hearing this, the strangers in the train carriage burst out in laughter at this apparently retarded remark. Sorry, due to incompetence on the part of the writer here, I am unable to reproduce the comical effects of the scene all fully. Some imagination on the part of the reader is rquired here! Do not let this deter you from voting Hokhim for 4E personality of the year!!

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for Hanfeng!!!!! Hanfeng is my number 1 man!!!!

3:40 PM  
Blogger zxseow said...


5:50 PM  
Blogger zxseow said...

Long awaited definition of mesomeric:

Displacement of electrons within a molecule in such a way as to create fractional charges on different parts of the molecule.


5:55 PM  

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