Tuesday, December 28, 2004

horrors of all horror

yday i was toking to lhh on msn then he was asking y ple just read the blog and dun contribute.... i was telling him that cos my life is too boring... who noes... 24 hours later i suddenly have smt to say... and it's so super horrible.

lijun just told me that we have an assignment dued soon. soon meaning second day of sch(4th) and the beep beep beep tutor is only going to release the details on mon (3rd) . although i would have done the assignment on the 3rd anyway but it still piss me off that she ( i have decided that its a she cos a he wouldnt be so free and bo liao to think of an assignment so soon) wants to keep us in suspense and anticipation abt our debut assignment.

if u think the assignment is the only thing to prepare for this stupid 4Au module for the FIRST week of sch... HAHAHA... that is so WRONG. there is still a presentation to prepare for the first tut on the second week of sch... now i am even more convinced that the coordinator is a she...

this is the most horrible of all things... last sem... i had this module bf218.... and i ended up in the 830am slot ( due to some other irritating reason that is too long to type) with an indian tutor... i went to class on the first day and i was super disgusted... he is fat and square with sweaty armpits. he is totally a 一头身 ah pek. i stopped going for tut after the first class cos i couldnt wake up in time. For the first 6 weeks of sch.. i was a bit relieved cos at least the lecturer seems like a nice guy... mr indian is my tutor... oh btw his name is Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti.... try pronouncing it... if u think it sounds like a curse, i share the same sentiments. i tried memorising it once to use it to curse ah dong and mainly to irritate her. ok.. back to the lecturer... he is actually quite nice and he toks like yan can cook... lecture ends at 630pm and u always feel hungry after his lect. but... after yan can cook comes mr indian... as if making me skip tut isnt enough... he made me skip lect. thank goodness for my determination and late night suppers that gave me lots of energy to perserve... i managed to get a B for that module.

oh... i haven gotten down to the horrible part yet...

anyway i was looking thru edventure to read abt my upcoming assignment then might as well check out the course outline for the other modules... then i saw it... BF219 - equity securities instructor Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti.



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