Sunday, December 26, 2004

The State of the Blog, and the Class

For those who were not involved in the blog since its inception, you will be unaware that this blog was "accidentally" deleted about one month into its first birth. It was subsequently reconstituted at the same address, with deep feeling from all the founders. The circumstances surrounding the deletion are as yet ambiguous, and out of digust and disinterest the founding fathers declined to further investigate.

The first entries of the new blog were penned in anguish, lamenting the insultingly careless way that the blog was murdered. It was at least implied, if not explicitly stated, that out of respect of the irreplaceable value of the creative effort that went into the first entries, that they would not be replicated in the new blog.

We beseech all contributors to respect it.

Also, on a more happy note, we are pleased to introduce the Guest Writer scheme. If you think that your friend, who is not from this class, can write amusingly, or participated in some event of note, or otherwise has access to interesting gossip, we are more than happy to host his, or better, her, work, under our accounts. The writer, of course, would be duly credited.

Coming up next is 4E Person of the Year Award, to be annouced on New Year's Eve, with attached wildly-exaggerated commentary of course. And, at this juncture, we would like to publicly announce that our Annual BBQ will be hosted at Mr (soon to be Dr) Tham's place on 311204. Why you should attend this BBQ:

1. It has been one year since some of us met, and you can bask in the glory of being referred to as having become slimmer/richer/prettier/handsomer/smarter in the past year. If you haven't achieved any of these, it's entirely your fault.

2. This BBQ promises to offer unprecedented variety and quality and value for money. It also marks the coming out of the organisers as New Age Men, can go work can cook also. Can also get good deal from Giants.

3. It is going to be so awesome, in conclusion, that it's probably going to get press coverage. If you are the press, you are certainly welcome, but no food for you, sorry. Everyone's going to talk about it, you are going to be so sad you were not there.

4. Other halfs, especially girlfriends, are super welcome.

But, reminder, its $10 pax. But in line with the government's childbirth policies, we are offering a couple's deal-couples dine for $16. A word of caution ah, dun fake fake, we will make you do horrible things. Think open toilet doors.


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