Friday, December 24, 2004

Eve de la Eve (updated version, photos added)

I think that means eve of the eve, but don't take my word for it, I said it just to be cool. And what do unholy bastards (save Mr Lo) do to commemorate the eve of the eve of the anniversary of the birth of Christ? What else but to indulge in some crass festive season commercialism.

Me (I've never really gotten the hang of putting myself last, where's the sense in that?), HF, HH, and YH converged on Orchard Road to blow our wads (of cash) on some spectacular books, taking advantage of the really hot offers that Kino and Borders were dishing out. To our extreme displeasure, Borders the home of ravished books had retracted its 35% discount for 5 books deal. Nonetheless we managed to shortlist some titles, to be bought later at Kino.

To those not in the loop, Kino is offering a 20% book discount in the form of vouchers, found in Dec 11 ST Life, as well as this Monday's Zaobao Now. This constitutes the entirety of our festive goodwill, so don't even think of asking us for leftovers. Unless of course you are a hot babe.

How can a book trip blog entry be complete without some of our hot picks? Presenting to you, dear readers, the sensational life story of the New Age Prophet Al-Mehhanfan! Including exclusive interviews with Da Man on his clairvoyant dreams and his famous Latrine Sermon. The Prophet promises to herald a shining new age for all equine creatures, black or white, thoroughbred or mongerel, where horses can hold their heads aloft and race across the plains. Get it today!

Look clearly at the photo on the book of Dark Horse!! It's our own horsy, author of the book.

And with veteran bloggers' unerring instinct for sensation we spotted *Drum roll*, TAH DAH:

Heil Hitler! Nope, this is not the Nazi Women League. This, in fact, is the City Harvest Xmas Eve Eve thingy.

It was so incredibly moronic, it's beyond words. You had to have a ticket to get into the pen.

I composed a song for them, sung to the tune of You are My Sunshine.

You are the Harvest

You are the Harvest,we're coming for;
You open your purse, and fill ours.
You never know dear, how stupid you are,
Paying cash for your salvation.

Good right? Applause, ladies and gents!


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