Friday, December 10, 2004

I Puked!!!

Wah, wat a good time for sweekim to post up his entry saying i am his potential zhi char cook in mind!!! Becos I'm going to relate to you my experience today of puking after eating things that I cook. Before that, side-track a bit.

( Those who dun like soccer skipped the following paragragh in blue. )

I've watched the 1st half of the Tiger Cup Malaysia vs Philippines match. The only goal in the half is scored by Malaysia in 16th min, it's an headed-in goal from 18 yards, which means just outside the penalty box (amazing sia!!). It's scored by their no. 10 player Liew Kit Kong. Yes, Liew Kit Kong, a Chinese player is wearing the no. 10 shirt for Malaysia national soccer team, wondering when will it happen in Singapore.

Ok, back to the main topic today. As usual, my mum went straight to church after work on friday night and my sis was not around at home tonight, so my dinner was not settled!!! Planning to skipped it, but then dunno why my mouth itchy and took an apple to eat!! SO THAT'S IT!!!!

The apple didn't cure my hunger, worse still, the marlic acid from it made me wanna eat even more!!! Therefore I decided to cook!!! It's the start of the nightmare! Not that it's my first time cooking, and I've always been confident of my own cooking, yet it turned out disastrous today!!!

I've decided to challenge half-boiled egg. Not knowing boiling how long will make the egg half-boiled, i set the stopwatch to 3min. Result: 1 egg cracked in the pot ( I threw it away ), the other 2 looked delicious from outside, giving me a smile and telling me, hey sir, We're half-boiled and ready to be eaten!!!

Getting the pepper and soya sauce, I'm ready for for my self-prepared dinner. Breaking the eggs, to my disgust, the humpty-dumpty were not half-bolied. They were, i would say, at most 10% boiled. Biang!!! The yolks were completely raw, the eggwhite was mostly still in their transparent fluid form, only traces of white colour can be found. However, I had already dumped the pot into the basin, lazy to wash it and cook again, i just added soya sauce and pepper, stirred it with the 90% raw humpty-dumpty and drank it.

BLEAH!!!! It really tasted like shit so i used this shit colour!!! Dun believe?? Follow the way i cook and eat the humpty-dumpty and you will know for yourself!!$*@)%!#?>{~@#&@#*!!!!!

Immediately i went to drink 500ml of water thinking it'll help to get rid of the erxin taste. After drinking the water, I puked instantly. Actually i wanted to take a pic of my vomit and post it up, but after thinking thrice, decided not to gross you all out!!! Never thought that egg can be so disgusting, hopefully i wont kena some bird-flu from it.

I've once heard people saying that bird-nest is disgusting and gross cos it's being dig out from swallow's mouth. If people think that digging bird-nest from swallow's mouth is disgusting, spend a second to think where is egg being dug out from???? eeee.........

To end this, my sis just now asked me in chinese: 什么是生活? I told her isn't that everyday's life??? Then she said 生活是, 无奈地被下来, 就要坚强地下去。 Not a bad explanation right???


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