Monday, December 13, 2004

Christmas Speech

I tuned to Channel 8 to watch the Red Star Big Prize (as translated by seow in his blog ) at 2000 yesterday. I didn't catch how Jacelyn Tay fell, what a miss man. I think she is the most chio actress in singapore. Slim, good figure and a very good look. HAHA. I know hanfeng would almost definitely say that Fiona Xie is better, but who cares about his view???

I think the highlight of the show is when Li Nanxing, Chew Chor Meng and Zoe Tay came out to receive the Super Red Star Prize, saying they would not receive anymore most popular award in the future. It's really quite 心酸 to see both Li and Chew turned from young and handsome looking lads to flabby and 憔悴 middle-aged man.

So now prelude to my christmas speech. When Li Nanxing giving out his thank-you speech, he said a lot of cliche stuff as usual, but take note of how he ended the speech. He asked, what gave him the motivation and driving force to continue acting for more than a decade. After his so norm thank you speech, i anticipated that he would say it's his love for acting or the professionalism or the support from his wife.


For those who watch the show last night would have known what his answer was. He said it's Jesus Christ. I was quite stunned. I didn't know that Li Nanxing is a Christian.

Today is 131204. 12 more days and it would be Christmas. Almost everybody celebrate Christmas in Singapore. People go for Christmas Shopping and partying or Christmas Buffet. But I would like to know how many people actually care about it's the day to celebrate the birth of Christ?? People would spend more time to decorate the Christmas Tree and children waiting for Santa Claus than to thank our Lord for sending his son to us.

In Vesak Day, people will go temple and non-buddhist won't celebrate it. Same goes for Deepavali and Hari Raya n other festivals as well. I don't understand why majority of the people will celebrate Christamas at places like restaurant, pub/club, some beaches or any places except church. People just tends to forget the origin of this festival.

December is a season of festive mood and atmosphere. But i really do not want to see people celebrating Christmas for the wrong reason. A new-year party without countdown, a 端午节without remembering 屈原 jumping into 汨罗江, a vesak day without celebrating how buddha became buddha and 中秋节without telling the story of 嫦娥奔月. All these festivals will lose it meaning. Christmas is supposed to be joyous festival but please commemorate the birth of Jesus.

So on Christmas day, i urged all of you to go to some christmas service. Putting your MSN nick as " MeRRy Chr/$tm@$ & H@PPY New Ye@R " is NOT the way to celebrate christmas.

OK, i know i've been long-winded and boring, didn't express myself well enough also, but it's something i really feel about. So thank you for reading.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is bangzhi speaking, dunno why the invitation keep failing.So sick of waiting to be accepted into the club i decided to post a comment( dun even know where will this go to, but at least its a try yar..)

Have so many things i wanna write and tell u guys, Dec have been a roller claster ride for me. a trip to KL wif Zhong hong and my company ppl, a trip to Bangkok wif xiaoyu and (SADLY)a wake in between.

I'll start wif my feelings abt this blog before anything. I sincerly thank teh group of ppl that's keeping e 4e guys so closly knited together and here's another channel to keep in touch( cheeers).

After the KL trip wif my company ppl, i was damn high enjoying the accompany of ppl i like, learning and playing in the short span of 4 days. Travelling in a group overseas(though its onli malaysia it great enough). So when's 4E's turn? Somewhere near is good too!! However i was brought to another low cause of the death of Shengrong's mother. Though i'm not tat close to his mum or him, death is never welcomed(brings back the shock when i heard HH's dad past away) Life is onli that short and i want to cherish all the time i have wif u guys. i cant really remember how i felt at that time but i just feel that there's so many things to be done then to wait so guys, go and do wat u want at least try and u wont regret in the future.(really impressed by the marathon runners)

HAha then is Bangkok, its a very exciting too starting from the first day. So different from going overseas wif parents. Me and xiaoyu planeed everything, from accomodation to air tix and of course the places to visit. But i would say the highlight was seeing MR JAY CHOU JIE LUN having dinner a table away from us. Tell u all the details when we meet yar.

OH and i have to appologise that i wont be able to join u all for the NEW YR count down. I'll be in Genting at that time listening to a famous speaker from Taiwan presenting abt money and other relevant topics with my family members.

Lastly i would wanna say that i very grateful that i have such classmates and friends. Moments we shared i treasure and experience we might be going thru together will be yearned.

Till i could offically post a blog,

15th DEC 2004

11:00 PM  

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