Thursday, December 23, 2004

Inside Esplanade!!!

Hey guys, I am no longer Low-Class scum who've only attended pop or rock concerts in places like Singapore Indoor Stadium, Padang, Harbour Pavilion n so on!!! Though I've been to performances in Victoria Concert Hall and Raffles Hotel theatre before, but i've never been inside any of the performance hall in Esplande until today!!!

2 of my JC friends asked me to watch this certain T'ang quartet's, a string quartet, performance. I actually not keen to go to the concert at all, but I sort of desperately wanted the kino vouchers, which the 2 of them had 5 between them, so to make them happy, I agreed to go. Another reason that I went is that I felt it's time to knock some artistic and musical sense into my brain again!!!

I was quite excited as it was my 1st time entering any theathre in Esplande. Wanting to take a pic to let u all see how the theatre looks like but my friends told me no photos allowed. Now i think she's bluffing me man!!!! The concert started on time, unlike those linkin park conert which I had to stand for 2hours+ before they appeared on stage!!!

Anyway cos I left all my shoes in camp, so i wore my sandals there. I think I'm the only guy wearing sandals to attend the concerts. Dunno why I always so xia suay!!! ARGH!!!!!!!

A string quartet consists of 2 violins, a viola and a cello!!! I am quite disappointed with myself after not been able to differentiate the 2 violins, what's even worst is that I ACTUALLY MISTAKEN VIOLIN 2 AS THE VIOLA!!!!! Oh man, what is my grade 8 music theory for??? Can't even recognise violin and viola. Needing a guy without even grade 5 theory to tell me. Suan le, I am a loser!!!!

Anyway I think the concert is nothing spectacular, though not boring, but then it's also not the type I will wanna go very much!!! Though I dun mind going once in a while if there's pple ask me to go!!!

After the concert, I've come to a conclusion that I am still as low-class as before because deep in my heart, I still preferred moshing around in the pit of Linkin Park's concert, shouting out loud lyrics of songs such as Papercut, Crawling, In the End, Somewhere I Belong, Numb, Faint, so many to name!!!!!

Horse!!! U agree with me right?? The Linkin Park conert is just damn great!!!


Blogger zxseow said...

KNN! Chen Yaohao you lan yu chong su no wonder HJC CO never amounted to anything! Shame!

1:40 AM  

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