Sunday, December 19, 2004

Hanfeng's Birthday party and walking Chou Tofu!!!

18th Dec 2004. It's the day horsy bid farewell to his teenage life!!! Seow, eric and me took it as a reason to get the horse out to whack buffet together. But as you all know, horse very fussy, don't wanna eat anything special or too expensive, so we settled for kushin-bo lunch, estimated cost is <$25 per head. But then when we reached the place, we're quite shock to realise that as it was a weekend, the cost jumped to $32.80++, wah biang, this time bankrupt man!!! Heck la, we still went in and once we saw the food, we were all damn happy and forgot about the price and forgot about taking photo as well!!! We only remember to take photo when we were already maxed out!!! So here is one for you.
Zhixiang is holding candy floss

I am always very amazed by this certain dish in kushin-bo which is called Kami-nabe, sound like some hokkien vulgarity right??? Anyway this Kami-nabe is a Paper Steamboat, that means the solid fuel will burn and the flame will touch the paper which is folded into some container, yet the paper wont burn. And the soup and stuff will be contained in the paper LA!!!! bla bla bla!!!!

Top view of Kami-nabe Side-view of Kami-nabe, see the flame and the paper

Ok, amazing right??? Seow said that Japanese always liked to show off their engineering very skilled like that. But I really think it's quite amazing!!

"Ring!!! Ring!!! The bell had just rung"<------- does that sound familiar to you 4E guys!!!

Anyway, when the bell rang, accompanied by the kushin-bo theme song, it means special limited dish are available in random counter!!! So the pple in the restaurant need to locate the random counter as fast as possible and queue for the dish, which is normal 15-20 plates only!! haha, proud to tell you, a bai kah here manage to get in the queue fast enough and get the lobster!!!

The lobster is cheesey and fat, SUPER SHIOK!!!

We eat the Lobster half way then remember to take photo, so actually the above 2 photos are basically empty shells with little fat meat!!! Look a bit like rubbish right?? That's why i shrink the picture so cant be seen so clearly!!!

Basically I am very satisfied with this horsy's birthday party in disguise!!! Only regret is that some Miso was spilled on me then as you all know Miso is some tofu soup. Biang eh, then the whole day i smell like a walking Chou Tofu, got the sour sour smell for the whole day as i had a JC class outing after that. Haiz.... but then the food made up for everything la!!! Who cares about smelling like a Chuo Tofu man. Seriously, i think yesterday my smell can compare to our Mr You-know-who man.

Guys, look forward to our next buffet man!!!! I really hope to go to the Brazilian Restaurant at Sixth Avenue again. The meat buffet there is Marvellous. Price 2 times of breeks which is around $47++++ but the quality of food is 10 times better, so don't be detered by the price. Hopefully the nxt buffet-whacking session the attendance will be much better.


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