Saturday, December 25, 2004

Bachelors Night!!!

24th Dec 2004. On a Christmas Eve, where would you go??? Of course to some chruch service to commemorate the birth of Holy Infant Jesus. Earlier in Dec, Doreen asked us to attend her church on Christmas Eve as she's involved in the Youth Fellowship performance on that day!!!

So on the 23rd Dec 2004 around 2230 at Shaw Tower, seow, horse and I started to call every guys in 4E to arrange for this outing!!! The reponse was fantastic man!!! All the guys, except the 4 with gf (bangzhi, yuankai, jiamin n junwei) + wenjia (no reason), were ok for gathering on the eve!!! SEE how outstanding and efficient we are man, always able to arrange gathering spontaneously!!! HAHAHA!!!! So guys!!! KOWTOW TO THE 3 OF US MAN!!!!!

Anyway we're meeting at 1900 at KAP. So when I stepped into KAP punctually at 1900, there's a dunno what feeling man!!! The 似曾相识 feeling, cos KAP was once our favourite hang-out but I've never been to it again since i left hwachong. Anyway, sweekim didn't turn up in the end due to some family dinner. haiz......

The service at doreen's church started at 1930 but we reached there at 1945, therefore we were seated at the side hall instead of the main one, didn't have a good and clear view of the stage!!! The whole service was relatively not bad, though certain technical fault occured half-way but the overall standard was not affected.

So after the whole thing ended, we met up with doreen at the refreshment area, think she's quite surprised to see so many of us around. HAHA. Group photos!!!!

(left to right: Zen, Zhonghong, yongsheng, jianyang, doreen, horse, me, weiting,
seow, weiming, eric)

Ok, so as the church session ended, we decided to head to town to get a feel of the festive mood. Anyway Orchard was damn crowded. For those who were there yesterday will know!!! Then we went to Cineleisure, planning to watch KungFu Hustle, but the next available timeslot was at 0400, so forget it.

ANyway i side-track a bit!!! In Cineleisure, I received sms from my man!!! He wished me Merry Christmas!!! I was damn very touched. I've not been camp for 2+ months due to my injured knee yet they still remembered me and sent me such sms. Damn touched, nearly drop tears!!

We decided not to watch any movie anymore, so we went to a 24-hour restaurant near sommerset mrt to have our very late dinner!!!

(left to right : Eric, seow n horse!!!) See how hippy horse is, the hand sign!!! haha

(left to right : weiming, zeng, weiting, emperor chee yaohui, TYS's arm)

Me and ZHonghong. Normally i dun post photo of myself, but since Zhonghong was left out in the previous 2 photos, so i just took 1 with him to post la!!!!!

Ok, so that restaurant is a great place to be man!!! Cos at $4.50, u can get the soup of the day and it is FREE-FLOW!!!! For those who are stupid and don't understand what is Free-Flow, it means u can keep refilling and refilling till u shiok!!! And the restaurant is opened 24-hour, so u can literally stay there and drink soup for the rest of your life at $4.50. How great right???

So we stayed at the restaurant and keep talking cock for the rest of the night!!! I was damn happy about this gathering cos i got to see quite a few guys whom i've not met for almost a year!!! Looking forward to the year-end BBQ at JY's house man, the attendance will even be better than this. SO HAPPY!!!!!


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