Monday, December 27, 2004


The following is a serious entry by me, no boliao and stupid stuff!!!

Yup, recently I've been offending my friends unintentionally. Sometimes because I'm tactless, sometimes due to my selfishness and childishness. So whoever is pissed, angry or sad cos of my words, actions or wateva, pls calm down and don't be pissed ok??? But for those who i ask you to reflect in a dark room, GO N REFLECT!!!!

Incident no. 1

To Ajax(fake name), my sec sch friend,

Ajax, you are one of my best buddy!!! Till now, i still treasure you very much!!! But there is certain misunderstanding between us now. I think what you said is correct, we shld call and contact each other if there's minsunderstanding btw us and resolve it directly instead of communicating through a third person.

But i relay my msg to you through a 3rd person, it truely shows my insincerity, humji-ness and disrespect for friend. For this I am very sorry to you!!! Please don't be hurt over this incident. I still think that you are a very great friend of mine. I've saved ur very sad entry up instead of letting you post it up because I do not want you to feel that way.

If you are reading, let's meet up soon and i think the misunderstanding can be resolved easily. It's really a pity you can't join us at the yr-end BBQ. But we can still meet up when we're free!!!


Incident no. 2

This is caused by my stupidity, selfishness n childishness

To Soul(Fake Name), my Jc friend,

Soul, I arranged to meet you at Plaza Singapura at 1500. Yet due to my childishness and like-to-be-late habit, I've decided to set off from Boon Lay Mrt at 1445, which means i would be 20 min late approx.

However, you found out my intention through a friend, and i think you're pretty pissed off.

Anyway digress abit, horse, today i was 1 hour late in the morning cos i really overslept, it's not on purpose!!!! And to the rest of my friends, I really very seldom late on purpose, K?? And I will stop doing that.

I think you were so pissed that you don't even bother to murder me. haiz..... I think my action further proved your points that I am childish and mean.

But, pls really don't take it to heart and don't hate and ignore me as i really enjoy your company and talking to you VERY MUCH!!!! Though most of the times i said stupid things and maybe mean things to you, but, i would rate u as one of my better friends in my JC time.

As you said, "impressions created will stay and last forever", but I still hold the 一线希望 that this bad impression of me wont stay with you forever!!! Yes, I do not need to prove to you anything, but i will prove to myself that I, Lo Hok Him, can be punctual to anyone, no matter the other party is punctual or late. Cos it's damn 狼心狗肺 to let pple who're punctual to wait. And to fellow late-comers, "If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.".

So, Soul, if you are reading this, I really hope you can forgive my wrong-doings and if you wanna eat xiaolong bao, get me along. Yup, that's it!!!


Incident no. 3

To Est(fake name), my very long time friend,

Ok, I think you've committed a mistake, be it accidental or on purpose, quite sometime back!!! At that time I was very angry and pissed with you but i kept myself very calm in order not to scold and splurt vulgarities at you. I think you knew it!!!

I've told myself I will never see you, talk to you or wateva again!!! But then after sometime, i think what had happened had happened. I shld not dwell on the past too much!!! So when you request to join back the blog, I've sent you an invitation. I consider that as a sign of forgetting and forgiving.

I think you shld admit that even though it's an accident, yet it occured solely due to your negligence n you being inconsiderate. Yet we feel that u had no repentace at all, not admitting your mistake.

As a friend, I offer you this line : "Never ruined an apology with an excuse."

I sincerely hoped that you can calm down, take time to reflect a bit and yes, we are still friends.


YEAP!!! So I actually sort of wrapped up yr 2004 with a bad way sia. Just like how I started the year. For those who dunno, I started the year by getting involved in an investigation by 1 BG, 3 Colonels, 3 Lt Colonels, 2 Majors and then received a punishment of marching 21 days of RP. It's the worst punishment you can think of, not going home since 020104 till 280104, not even on CNY.

So let's hope for a better 2005.


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