Monday, December 27, 2004

The Return of Kim

Ok guys, I’m back again…it has been a long time since I blog liao and it seems that quite a lot has happened…good things and bad things…but before I go on any further let me explain my long time absence from the class blog, or in soccer lingo, from first team players to reserve team…haha...well for those of you guys who had a persistent cough before and I mean really really persistent one, lasting for about 2 months, you will know how it feel rite? Well, do not despair because you just got one more poor guy who know exactly how you are feeling…. Haiz..this stupid cough had me coughing for so long that I now got this stupid headache to go along with it….sian man…..and so with my brain impaired by this aliment, I realized that I’m not in any condition to blog for the past few weeks, but because of my love for the class and its people (eh give face lah, dun vomit leh), I’ve decided to make a comeback and fight for my place in the 4e bloggers first team…haha… ok talking about soccer, I got something to announce….i’ve just led my favorite team, ARSENAL FC to an amazing treble( FA Cup, EPL, Champions League) in my first season in you who are reading this rite now at this very moment, what are you waiting for? Kowtow to me now (hh favourite sentence)….haha….by the way for the uninformed who think that I’m Arsene Wenger posting his dream on this blog…dun be stupid ok….I’m talking about the game football manager 2005….haha….oh for Milan supporters out there, Milan just got relegated into football obscurity in the 08/09 season….haha…ok enough about soccer…

Recently I’ve noticed that the guys of 4e are slowly picking up books to read…hmmm….for those who think there is no big deal about it, let me inform you this, if you tell me 2 years back that some of the guys will spend a few hundred bucks on books or go desperate for kino book vouchers, I will tell you straight in your face, dun be kidding lah…sure anot… this will be the kind of more polite response I will give….for more crude one…it will be…(hmmm….better dun get started or else the rest of the post will be laced with them)….so you see how confident I am? But for some strange reason(s), 4e guys including me are picking up the books again. I dunno why but there are a number of reasons I can think of like, a gradual mutation of the genes and becoming THE SENSITIVE NEW AGE GUY or us finding solace from the books due to the lack of another half to share our feelings or maybe it is because we have matured and view books in another perspective…hmmm…some food for thought rite? Anyway I’ve just finished the book titled the five people you meet in heaven by mitch albom…this book is simply amazing…I strongly recommend it to all readers who are reading this right now…ok here is a taste of what you have missed out if you haven read the book yet:

“Why people gather when others die? Why people feel they should?”
“It is because the human spirit knows deep down, that all lives intersect. That death doesn’t just take someone, it misses someone else and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lives are changed” “There is a balance to it all. One withers, another grows. Birth and death are part of a whole. It is why we are drawn to babies….and to funerals.”

Hmmm…interesting rite? So still sitting down there for wat? Go and get the book lah or alternatively, I could loan it to you at a surcharge of $1 per day…hahaha….

Ok that is all from me now…actually still got a lot to blog but I think I will save them up for next time…haha…so c ya at the bbq… :)

Quote for today: Strangers are just family you have yet to know


Blogger LoHokHim said...

Sweekim, I missed you a lot!!!! So glad that you are back!!! haha!!! Get internet connection at home la you BOBO!!!!

11:41 AM  
Blogger zxseow said...

Don't worry, Mr Ong, your metrosexuality has not declined with your health.

6:58 PM  
Blogger z|ninG said...

I juz finished reading this bk wks ago too... a great bk! love the quote of the day that u included. Tuesdays with Morrie is another bk of Albom's that u shld read too...really touching toward the end.

12:10 PM  

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