Thursday, January 06, 2005

We really can't stop being metrosexual!

Alright, that was to catch your attention. Now read on.

I'm sure that those of you who are not cadavers (corpses, for the unintiated) should know that our yalam (if you dunno what is this, you are wols) neighbours incurred the wrath of Allah, who sent them a fricking big earthquake, plus tidal waves upsize. The toll on lives and property have gone beyond what is necessary for a single 4-D number, can probably permutate the whole table by now.

And, for all the talk of Muslim solidarity, jihads against infidels, and other miscellanous fatwahs, the countries helping the stricken areas are in the main, Christian, or at least, non-Muslim. It really goes to show, doesn't it. All that oil wealth, sitting pretty and lining the turbans of Saudi princelings and other Arabian despots. While their Muslim brethen lie unburied, not even to mention proper last rites.

It is our right, it is our duty, as citizens of the pre-eminent country in Asean, to extend help, in some form or other. I am sure, in fact I know, that many among us have donated, in cash or in kind. But the exigencies of this situation requires more than largesse. It demands our time, and labour. I hereby beseech all of you to volunteer yourselves in some part of the relief effort.

Preliminary soundings have been conducted, and I am pleased to say that Eric, HH, HF, OSK, JY, and Doreen have expressed interest. I am quite sure there will be no lack of oportunities in the days and weeks ahead, and we will be on the lookout for suitable vaccancies. Certainly, none of us can stomach the sight of dead corpses all the way to the horizon, and anyway we don't have the time to volunteer overseas, so we are looking at projects like the packing of supplies, manning hotlines, et cetera.

Please, sign up. For those always claiming that the serving the colours diminishes you in some undefinable way, now is the time to prove that NS has not made you cynical and heartless. For those always claiming that our government is over-paternalistic and clams us up, now is the time that you actualise your belief in a civic society, where volunteerism is a cornerstone. For volunteering here, now, behooves your country, your society, and most importantly, it behooves you.

Indicate your interest in the comments section. Resources for volunteering include . If you have ideas, feel free to suggest here. This entry will be periodically reposted to bump it up the page, as well as to update the list of interested people, and available activites. The author has not proof-read the entry and apologises for any errors of language and hopes that can you please don't be such a dick.


Blogger LoHokHim said...

call 64166655, it's a 24-hr hotline, asking for volunteer for the tsunami thingy!!!!

1:16 AM  

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