Wednesday, January 05, 2005


这是我首次使用中文来写 blog. 如果你想读就读,不像读就算了,我不勉强你。


从五千年前,黄帝统一各华夏部落以来,我中华民族历经 夏、商、周 (春秋,战国)、秦、汉、三国、晋、南北朝、隋、唐、宋、元、明、清、民国等十数个朝代。近几百年来,虽饱受欧美强国以及日本鬼子的侵略和蹂躏,但我中华民族却历久不衰。试问史上又有哪个国家民族能受如此磨练?能从古至今名列世界强国之一?



Anyway I have enough of typing chinese, why isn't there any easier to use or better chinese software in the market??? Ok back to my point, as my title suggest, black hair n yellow skin, we are Chinese. I really dun understand why so many people like to dye their hair!!!

I admit that some of the people (referring to Chinese) actually look nicer by dying their hair, but i think majority of the people LOOK LIKE ONE BIG PILE OF SHIT by dying hair. By dying gold or brown, you look like a chimpanzee; by dying green, you look like you 戴绿帽; by dying any other colour, you just look like fuck.

I am very very against dying hair, you can say it looks nicer or wateva, but then from my point of view, i just think that you are ashame of being Chinese cos I consider black hair and yellow skin as the unique characteristic of Chinese. Oh, by saying this, i consider japanese, korean, thai, vietnamese n bla bla as a sub-set of Chinese.

A lot of people argue that they didn't deny that they are Chinese, dying hair is just part of the fashion or wateva!! BULLSHIT!!!! However, i think actions speak more than word. You can say that I am 老古板 and very not open-minded. But to those who dyed hair, I seriously dun care what you say and do, I just treat you as another race which is of lower class than the Chinese.

If you can forgo your natural black hair because you wanna look nicer, maybe one day you can say that you wanna change your surname too because it look nicer with your name or that particular surname look nicer!!!

By changing surname is an act of disowning your family, so I take it that by changing your black hair to other colour as an indication that you are telling people you are not part of 中华民族 and you have no root!!!!

Anyway I also dunno what to say liao la!!! This is just an entry to blast at pple who dye hair!!!! Hated this idea man!!! Both Chinese and 洋鬼子 will look down on you!!! YES, to those who dye hair, i am not sorry for offending you cos i really feel that way!!!

Hail to those who still having black hair and proud of being Chinese.


Blogger zxseow said...

Actually I think it is yao4 jin3, instead of yong4 jin3, but I'm not sure anymore

5:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hail to those who haven dye ur hair take it further let us all cut crew cut...hahaha

7:46 AM  

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