Monday, January 17, 2005

Hip-hop Kim Making New Year Resolutions

Yo…yo…yo….its me da house once again…Reflection_of_kim here to contribute sth to the class blog while playing with his beloved yo-yo…haha…if u r wondering whasss-up with the hip-hop tone, well it’s because I haf juz finished lunch and I’m listening to some hip-hop songs now which means i'm in a rather hippy and lame mode rite now…haha…so all u non-hoppers or non-hippers out there, hope u understand wat ur china brother is saying here…all ritey…yo…yo…b4 I begin let me do some 地板动作 coupled wif some of the following 阳光男孩 poses: :-) ;-) :-> >:-> >;-> |-D :-I :-O :-P tts all folks, the above are my most well-liked 阳光男孩 poses, hope u all liked all my brothers and sisters, it has been a tradition 4 pple to make new yr resolutions at the start of the yr and so i've come up with 10 of them which i hope i can keep in come on guys, pray for ur beloved brother here and hope he will be able to fulfil his resolutions.

Resolution No. 1: Get my bike license
Possibility: 99.5%... still got 2 more lesson to go b4 i go for my traffice police test so i'm very sure of getting it by end of the yr....wat will i do when i get the license? hmmm..i dunno...maybe get a really cool bike... or use the license to get a job...haha...

Resolution No. 2: Be less shy in front of strangers
Possibility: 50%... always got a mental block when i met a person first time..dunno wat to say to him or her...more often than not the person is a her...hence resulting in a rather akward situation...dun tell me such a thing wun happen to a hip person because it happened....and i still dunno how to get over it...someone pls help me.... may god bless the kind soul...

Resolution No. 3: Study hard in uni
Possibility: 80%... rate the possibility so high because i really really wan to study hard in uni and not waste my 4 yrs there...think i already wasted 2 yrs of jc so hope to make up 4 it in brothers and sisters, let us work toward this aim together...yo..yo..

Resolution No. 4: Love my family even more
Possibility: 100%... wat can i say man...if family is not the most impt to a sensitive new age guy aka the meterosexual...wat else is? So to my mother, father and sister.... I LUV U GUYS!!! :)

Resolution No. 5: Stay healthy
Possibility: thing i like about the saf is ie helps me realise the immense benefits of staying fit and so after i ord, i will wan to maintain my body and keep it in tip-top condition...which is part of being a meterosexual...

Resoultion No. 6: Make more Resolutions and make sure the above are done

hey yo...tts all i have for now...the rest of them...i will post it after i ord or in a few months brothers and sisters...reflection_of_kim will sign out now and hope to c ya soon... i luv u and may god bless you...

Current Song: Hey ya by OutKast
Current Mode: a screw facing up aka screw-ed up


Blogger zxseow said...

We can't hide it anymore: metrosexual is actually code for fucking nuts. it's been great knowing you osk.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the best is to put the 6th resolution as the 1st. And make a 100% out of it.

11:05 AM  
Blogger zxseow said...

Hurrah for ANON!

10:11 AM  

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