Monday, January 24, 2005

Chasing Bus!!!

Last Thursday, me, seow, liren, horse, xiaozhuang and jy went to have dinner together in Orchard. After that Liren went to some funeral so he left early, then the 4 of us went to Meridien to play pool. Jy left half-way as well, and we played till 2345 cos I dun wanna miss the last bus 174 and waste $$ to take Night-Rider home.

So we walk to the nearest bus-stop, we're walking as shown in the picture below. Before we crossed the road from the "SOME BUILDING" side to the bus-stop side, seow who stayed in CCK saw his 190 passed by, with no chance of chasing it. So we slowly crossed the road and so on after that!!!!

After we crossed the road, we just walk slowly to the bus-stop!!! Then the normally ignorant Hanfeng actually spotted that 174 was appraoching as the view of me and seow was blocked by a tree.

Anyway in the pictures, seow is represented by blue, I am by red, and horse by yellow.

Ok, so Hanfeng informed me that there's a 174 coming and after a brief Appreciation of Situation, I think that we sort of needed to run abit in order to catch the bus!!!

As I am still a crippled and could not run, so i told hanfeng to chase for the bus and he replied OK as shown below!!! Hanfeng is quite a fast runner, so i was quite sure that he would have no problem of catching the bus. Then he could have asked the driver to wait for me. At that time i was like so HAPPY that we did not need to wait for the bus, did not need to take Night-Rider and can reach home pretty soon!!!


That cock sure has serious eye-hand-leg-brain co-ordination problem!!! He actually saw the 174 was in front of the bus 65, yet his ran towards the direction of the bus 65 and waved at it!!! Then Mr LHH walking behind knew THAT'S IT!!!! Jit bai cham liao. Doomed liao!!!

So without any delay, I've decided to shout at him telling him he was chasing the wrong bus!!! But that horse is definitely a war horse!!! Not only he has psycho-motor problem, he is deaf also. I shouted so loud liao he cannot hear one single thing man!!!

By then i knew i need to do something already, if not we'll both surely miss the bus, which is probably the last bus!!! So, Mr LHH decided to run abit, rushed to the front part of the bus-stop, waving to the bus 174 to stop desperately like a crazy man!!!!

Too bad, the 174 driver i think he also abit blur and dunno what to do, therefore he didn't stop!!! Then our Mr Horse also damn confused, standing in front of the bus 65, thinking why it isn't bus 174., scratching his head......

Missing the bus 174 made me mad man!!! If i am able to run i am darn sure that i would have caught the bus man!!! WTF was hanfeng thinking when he saw 174 is in front yet he waved for the bus behind??? ARGH............ I was devastated then and could not control myself and blasted at Hanfeng!!!!

But hanfeng actually didn't take it seriously. That was wat makes me even more mad!!!! How can you didn't give your 100% when chasing for a bus???? It's highly likely to be the last bus leh uncle!!! Then i was exploding, fuming and %^(&%*#($?(& like nobody biz. haiz...

Luckily that wasn't the last bus adn around 15min later the nxt bus came!!! But surely i could have reached home earlier if not for the stupid mistakes by our Mr Horse!!!!

Anyway no matter the above 5 pictures nice or not, please appreciate them. I spent almost 3 hours drawing them on Paint man!!! bloody hard to draw on paint leh!!! Actually i do not need to spend such boliao time on those pics but too bad one of my friends who is supposed to be quite good in Paint didn't wanna help me draw these, so i have to do it myself. haiz... sad case!!!!


Blogger jo-hor-se said...

oh man u spent 3 hours of energy on this incident when it could have been much better spent on other stuff. As for me, I did not lose any sleep over this. Where's my pillow?

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wahahahah HH .. that's a bloody good description and a picture always paints a thousand words... LOL. i'm sure Hanfeng didnt get a good look and it was the night time afterall so relax k? By the way why didnt seow chase the bus? u mean u're a cripple and u ran faster then seow? (-__-!!)

7:31 PM  
Blogger zxseow said...

Don't be a bleeding moron Anon. You fail comprehension is it huh. KNN. It already said my bus (190) went off. Asshole.

5:52 PM  

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