Friday, January 28, 2005


Heylo guys, Kim’s weekly column is here again and for this week I will be discussing about love and relationship…although I may not be the best person to discuss about it, but hey who cares, this is my view and I will publish what I like….HAHA!!! so sit back , relax and read on to find out the secrets of love and hopefully the curse of 4E can be broken by this year…ok hh?

Ok to start off, let me tell you what do BGR and MFR stand for? BGR actually stand for Boy Girl Relationship whereas MFR stand for Male Female Relationship….but aren’t they the same thing….you must be wondering…haha..Its not and here’s y… J

1st Reason: The first difference will be the definition of BGR and MFR. Boy Girl as the name defines means that the parties involved in the relationship are young, fun loving and seek excitment, hence I think this kind of relationship will more often than not exists between people that are below 21 years of age…However Male Female Relationship are for people that are above 30 years old…these type of people are typically financially stable, have eaten more salt than you eat rice, i.e. lao jiao, and to them, love may not be the most important thing on their priority list. And so this bring me to a conclusion that in order to enjoy the best of both world, i.e. have a relationship that is financially stable, fun loving and mature, then 21 years old to 30 years old is the best time for someone to get hitched….so co’mon guys, this year is the start of our so called golden year….

2nd reason: The second difference will be what actually happens during BGR and MFR. Let us assume that love is a vehicle . During a BGR, love is like a vehicle moving on the fast lane, going at the highest speed possible…it is fast and its furious…. As such since the vehicle is going at such a high speed, it will cost higher to maintain which means more money and effort to maintain the relationship and also more prone to breakdown which equates more frequent quarrels in the relationship…. Although undeniably, the thrill and fun from a fast and furious relationship is enjoyable, but it will also result in a relationship that is more vulnerable to quarrels and break-ups….but this will seldom happen if the vehicle is of high quality and designed to speed…but its rare and difficult to find this kind of love…. On the other hand MFR are when love moves in the slow lane. Since it is slow, the trill and excitement are limited but it will enable the vehicle to last longer, i.e. a longer relationship…however because it is moving so slowly to the final destination, i.e. marriage, frustration and anger may gradually set in which will result in the painful process of ending the relationship and the journey….and so my verdict is that, love between 21 yrs and 30 yrs is the best… love is moving along just nice, at a comfortable pace for you to enjoy the thrills of driving and also reach the ultimate goal of marriage…

ok, so that is all from me for now..the above is just from my point of view and if anyone want to get some tips or advice from me, feel free to contact me, the love guru and I will gladly offer my help…so until next week..take care

Current Song: Stop Crying your heart out by oasis

Current Mood: Reflective


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