Friday, February 04, 2005

Food for thought

"When u are out at work, u often dun get to choose ur working partners so u better learn how to work with ple u dunno now" This reason is frequently given by tutors nowadays in uni where we need groupings for our projects.

Over lunch on day of grouping,
A: Why can't i choose my own grp mates? (referring to A's clique of friends). At least our standards are almost the same. If there're members who aren't 厉害 in my group, I'll rather do all or most of the work myself and get a gd grade instead of getting a mediocre grade when everybody contributes and I hafta do extra by correcting the errors n blah... I dun mind doing most of the work to benefit the whole grp when i know the end result will be gd.

B: This attitude of urs is wrong... if all the elites are grouped together, then what will happen to the rest? Aren't the rest going to get worse off? The gap between the elites and the lousy ones will widen... (a bit 客套 i feel tho it's for gd of society)

Afterall 人不为己 天诛地灭...?


Blogger zxseow said...

I am all for A. Cant help it if I'm good. The only thing worse than a society with elites is a society without them.

12:25 AM  

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