Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Update of myself by LHH if you interested!!

Ok, as said earlier, LHH is making a comeback to the blog on 02/03/05 after a 2 week break!!! So after 2 weeks spent in the wilderness, i think i'll update you all on what LHH was doing in the past 2 weeks or so!!! Anyway i am very stressed by a series of things!!!!

ok, first, i started to clear leave for my ord liao!!! It means i shall be a free man very soon, it also means that i will not be having anymore pay-day also!!! Biang.... No money to spend, life is getting tough man!!! So I have been looking for jobs, looking through the classified/recruits in the Straits Times everyday. but then most of the company are looking for people with pink ic but my official ord date is 20/03/05, so maybe i gotta wait a while before i can search for a job!!!
So for the time-being, i've been wasting time like nobody business!!! I actually wanna revised my JC works and prepare for Uni... Trying to be a mugger after slacking in studies since sec 1. Anyway when i was in primary school, i finished all my homework one!!! If you all dun believe can ask Liren!!! Ok, wanting to revise and actually revising is totally 2 different things!! I wanted to kick off with my f. maths, but then when i search my damn bloody messy drawers, i can finds lots of rubbish, chemistry notes but not maths notes!!! SIAN Sia.... When I wanted to find smth, it always wont appear man, 我造了甚麼孽???

Ya, so any of you who still keep your F.Maths notes or have the full set of F.maths notes, please please please contact me. I really need it. Thanks alot ah!!!! * Ok, this is important, so i highlight it in red and make it bold and BIG!!!! *

Since i cannot prepare for my revision, it's good to take a look at what modules would i be taking in Uni. I've always thought that i am going to take Electrical Engineering. Cos i dun wanna take chem eng, Ooi Ah Guat (my jc chem tutor) totally ruined my interest for chemistry if i have any in the 1st place. haha, for those who taught by Ooi Ah Guat, can you all still remember the way she taught us how to remember the transition metal??? Singapore TV Channel M Fe Co Ni Cu Zinc!!! WOW, FANTAZTIC so creative for a woman in her 50s!!!

Then i realised that all engineering course requires you to take 1 programming module and electrical engineering 4!!!! hey not one, not two, not three, BUT FOUR!!!! Here the guy typing this blog is an IT idiot!!! My history teacher in sec 3 said that i am IT destroyer!!! Anwyay me and computer??? NO NO!!! taking 4 programming modules will 拿我老命. I know double E is not for me liao!!! Then i try to look at other engineering courses, found that chem eng and mech eng are both quite interesting!!! So i am damn bloody stressed now!! shld i change course???? if yes whcih one shld i change to??? Chem ENg surely has a lot of muggers!!! I am not a mugger and i am bloody slack!!! surely lose out one!!!! but it has higher salary leh...... shld i take chem eng???? advice???? STRESSED!!!!

Now to the condition of my both legs!!! For those who are concerned about me please read on!!!! So 感動 that got pple bother to read man... haha!!! hmm.... I passed my physio test!!! yeah!!! it means i will go on to the 2nd phase of rehab. yeah!! i can jog and play soccer again!! so anyone wanna jog and play soccer, jio me along!!! Then my left ankle!!!! Have another scan and saw my doctor today, he confirmed that it's an ATFL torn, which is another ligament torn la!!! but then it's a minor tear, so it'll heal by itself, nothing to worry, no operation required as well!!! YEAH, look like i am recovering on schedule!!!

To wrap up this post, i have to say that clearing leave is really bloody sian!!! It's not as fun as 1st imagined!!! cos tight budget, unwilling to spend too much. then stressed about Uni also. Lose touch with studies liao.... Anyway curing my boredom for now is more important!!! So anyone going out or doing anything interesting, GET ME ALONG!!!!!

KIM's style to end it,

Song for Today : 童話 by 光良 (though i seldom listen to Chi song but this song is really nice!!!!) Oh, i have the MTV for this song also!!! doreen sent me. HAHA. the mtv is nice!!!! very sad also!!! who wan??

Current Mood : waiting for Amazing Race 7, wondering if the Survivor Couple will win it or not!!! (is that mood??? that's not mood man, what am i talking crap here???)


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