Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Sianying I heard your appeal.. So here I am.. Yes yes this is ONLY my 2nd post.. 4E girls should blog more.. BUT.. Uni life is really busy la hor.. you guys will know soon..

Wanted to start studying for my company law test which is on thursday, but.. Saw Kim's post about going diving in Tioman!!! Omg~ Smux is organising a dive trip to Tioman in April.. (In case no one knows what it is, it's the outdoor adventure club in smu) It costs $410! Kim is that expensive for a 3 day 2 nite trip? I so want to go, but I just invested in a mp3 player, therefore I'm broke -_-

Oh ya good luck for your 2nd riding test too Kim~ Am sure you can make it la~ I'm having my test SOON~ Very SOON~ Hopefully hf can pass stage 1 soon.. Haha~ I'm not trying to insult you hf, but with the looks you gave me when i saw you at bbdc.. tsk tsk.. Hope I don't see you around the circuit eh =D Remember not to take practical this week too, (Don't affect my test leh) =P Ok la hf I'm just kidding with you, but really hope won't see you at bbdc anymore.. I want to graduate from there.. haha~

School is getting really busy these few weeks, but it also means that the holidays are near! Break will start officially at 5pm on 15 Apr. Definitely looking forward to the well-deserved break.

I guess I can assume that not even ONE guy is coming to smu? Doesn't look like it at all. All the engineering guys in class.. -_- Quite sad that no one in class is here to accompany me at all. No I'm not regretting coming to smu. There are definitely more benefits than costs for coming into smu. At least I'm more willing to speak up during seminars now. Haha. But still, my ang moh is still as bad, if not worse. This also means that I have become more thick-skinned facing all those classmates who are fluent in English. All for the 10-30% of class participation grades. -_-

Shi Jian Guo De Hao Kuai. Most of you going to ORD le, going into university le. Oh gosh I'm going to be a year 3 student! I don't want to graduate so quickly!! But then again I have another 2-2.5 years to go. Ok I'm starting to be incoherent.

Time to start mugging. Driving lessons tmr. Yawn~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think $410 for a diving trip is ok lah...u pay more so that u can dive safely while having fun also...mp3 player? which one? IPOD?

10:50 AM  
Blogger travellerelf said...

i think can forget abt the dive trip for now.. no kaki.. i bought creative zen micro.. haha..

4:39 PM  
Blogger jo-hor-se said...

yeah i don't think you can go on the dive trip...you spent money on your zen and I think you are going to spend more money at bbdc preparing for your (x+7)th test, where x is an positive integer. Spare the kerbs, will you? kerbs do not have feelings but the men repairing kerbs damaged by you do have feelings!

1:30 PM  

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