Wednesday, March 16, 2005


As those who know me wld know that i am no animal lover!!! I hate animal and dun find them in any form cute or lovely!!! I think they're damn dirty and i'm actually damn scared of letting them touched me!!! Yes i'm scared of animal, especially furry one!!!

Though i don't like animal, i wont abuse them or in any form wish to see them being tortured or killed in cruel ways!!! The worst i did was to kill a quail during OCS time as part of a survival course package!!!

I remember that we were required to first twist the neck of the quail, then pluck out its head, break its both wings then strip away its skin macham taking off clothes like that!!! It's damn disgusting!!! Kimilogy will know it man.

Firstly i hate to touch any animal, including naidni and any human who looks like animal la!!! Secondly the feel of it body warmth transferring to your palm is damn disgusting!!! The worst part is that after twisting its head and plucking it out, the head-less quail will struggle vigorously for 5-10 sec, wow, holding on to such a 怪物 is freaking scary!!! So when it's my turn to kill the bird, no choice gotta do, i forgot to twist its head and just pluck it out straight!!! bish, bet it's damn freaking pain. Ok, that's the most cruel thing i did to an animal.

Yup, why am i suddenly writing about animal abuse and so on??? I wondered anyone of you received this clip or not!!! It's about how cruel and inhuman man can be in order for the models n rich pple to wear fur!!! It's a 15min short documentary on how furry furry coat is being made!!! The process is damn disgusting, but i really hope that you all can spend about 15min of your time watching this. Then maybe from today onwards the thought of wearing those furry coat will forever banish form your mind!!!

It showed that the little foxes, still alive, both its hind legs being hold by a man and like a carpet, keep hitting it to the ground till it's half-dead!! Yar, the word is half dead only!!! tt means it's still half-alive!!! Then the man will take an axe to chop away its 4 limbs, the fox is still alive!!! Next, it's being hung like a T-shirt upside down, tail on top, head below, then the man will use a knife to slit open the skin at the tail area, then when it's still moving and struggling, they just strip away its skin with fur on it from the tail down all the way to the head!!! They refused to kill it 1st before removing the fur and skin just to keep it fresh!!! WTF!!!! Ok, after the whole body, including the head, skin being removed like a clothes in one single motion, that fox is now skinless, limbless fucking ugly creature lying with other of its same kind lookalike in the rubbish dump!!! All of them still moving, covered with blood and so on. DUNNO LA, my description is lousy, but watch it for yourself man!!! it's really cruel.

This is the link :

If you didn't get to the clip from this link, and would wanna watch this documentary, ask me to send it to you!!! My email is It really owrth your time watching it!!!

Ok, some of you might say that eating meat is equally cruel and i should turn into a vegetarian.... Ya, it might be true, but till now i still haven't seen any documentay abt how cruel it is for animal to get slaughtered, so i dun care so much 1st la!!! But furry coat, no no man!!! Maybe till the day i watch how animal got killed for their meat, then i will stop eating meat!!!

Anyway the purpose of posting this not because i wanna act like a saint and bla bla..... But it's really quite disgusting!!!

Kim way to end the entry,

Song of the day : The Earth Song by Michael Jackson

Current Mood : 沉重的心情


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