Friday, March 18, 2005

Sometimes it just sux to know that the Wise Guy of S63 Mr Ma is right about something. Yes I did hit a kerb badly yesterday at Teck Whye, and I was so scared that I'll be thrown out of the car. But sad to say.. I didn't have my test yesterday. =D

I hate to prove hf wrong.. but x is in fact a negative number, -6 to be exact. =) Yes, for those who can do a little mental calculation, I passed on my first attempt. *clap clap* And NO I didn't wear a mini skirt or any sleeveless/revealing top. Even if I did it won't help. Haha. =p And NO, I didn't pass marginally. 12 demerit points.

So what items did I get demerit points for? Let's see..

4 points for insufficient acceleration
6 points for speed too slow
2 points for inappropriate gear

No point was deducted for circuit courses!!

Yes yes I'm not shy to announce my results at all. I'm quite proud of myself today, cos this is the first time there is no instructor (nagging) beside me and I could remember to do MOST of the things they taught. And looking at my demerit point items, I am indeed a safe (and slow) driver. Haha. =D

Let's see if Mr Ma can do better than me. =P Let's hope that the equation does not apply to you. Haha =X


Blogger jo-hor-se said...

Man was the testor desperate or something? Bewitched by someone like xj? kk joking. Congratz! That was a good result you got. Seems like driving slowly is the way to go...

7:46 AM  
Blogger zxseow said...

QUOTE: And NO I didn't wear a mini skirt or any sleeveless/revealing top.

I hope this was not meant to be taken literally. (tic)

8:09 PM  
Blogger travellerelf said...

-_- I noe my ang moh not as good as u... u shld noe wat im trying to say.. in case u dunno.. meaning i nv take the stupid advice by most pple to wear revealing clothes in order to pass.. skills more impt.. plus that wont work for ME.. and hf.. dun follow me la.. TOO slow.. 40-50km/h on a 70km/h road... cannot cannot... tsk tsk.. thanks anyway.. good luck to U~ haha..

11:33 PM  
Blogger travellerelf said...

no worries abt speed now.. auto car is so much easier to drive.. haahaha.. =P

11:49 PM  

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