Sunday, March 27, 2005

Terrible Feeling!!!

Ok, today i went to my army friend's place with a few guys from our unit to celebrate our ORD!!! i really cant stand my camp-mates man!!! All freaking rich guy, the food we bought alone cost $38 each lor!!! It's damn damn damn expensive man!!! For a jobless guy like me, it's unaffordable!!!

We had a good variety of food, chicken rice, pizza, fried onion ring bla bla bla so on..... Ok then comes the killer part!!! we had a big bottle of Absolut Vodka, shared among 4 people only!!! Then we played various game and drinking is the punishment la!!!

Oh, just to add on. Before the whole thing started, we drank some very concentrated Ichigo Sake (strawberry rice wine).

The first game we played was risk.... Biang eh, the rule was one territory lost, 1 drink!!! So you guys know how easy to drink man and how many each of us needa drink!!! To add onto that, if the attacker fail to conquer the territory he's attacking, another drink!!!!

So the strategy for the game changes quite a lot!!! Instead of thinking how to conquer the world, we just tried to link all our territories up in order not to get the forfeit!!! As our rule stated that retreating does not need to be punished!!!

So by the end of the risk game each of us drank quite a lot liao!!! Then after that we played various games, including 終極密碼, 猜拳, pick-a-card, long & short ruler n so on..... Loser gotta drink bla bla bla... And at that time, our soft drink sort of run out, so we began to drink shots.... that's quite xiong man!!!

So in the end, we managed to finish the whole big bottle!!! Together with the Sake that we drank earlier, we all felt like puking already!! One of the guy just puke in the friend's house. I also feel liek puking man!!!

Then i took a cab home.... Throughout the journey, the shaking in the vehicle, the bumps that needa go pass induced the feeling to puke even more. Trying to control as much as i can.... Finally got off the cab, i went to the drain and puke everything out man!!!

I've never puked like that before!!!! But really, i have to say that this week is a very lousy week for me!!! Taken some very serious blows in these 7 days one of which was kana conned to do outdoor sales for a morning.... There were some other veyr unhappy events in this week also. but dun wanna mention.

Anywya it's 3 rounds of puking!!! never thought that i could puke like that!!! It's like waterfall lor!!! But now i understand wat's call 借酒消愁. When u puke, u pour out all the sorrows, bitterness and unhappiness inside you as well!!!!

So now i am a happier guy and happy enough to face the new week ahead!!! HAHA. Dunnid to go elephant hill dunnid to go any stupid hill in Singapore!!!! But then the feeling of puking is quite terrible!!! So i wont play any drinking in the future agian!!! It sux to the core man1!! Cos even after you puke finish, you'll suffer form severe headache also lor.... damn sick and giddy and drowsy!!! Lousy feeling!!

Song of the day : Free As a Bird by John Lennon (I am Free as a Bird!!!!)

Current state : Still a bit sad, but all energised to face up to the new week ahead!!! Drowsy and severe headache!!!! But i'm fine man!!!!


Blogger z|ninG said...

I also can 感同身受...just that i didn't puke that many times. Being drunk is really terrible! I experienced this b4 and i'll never want to get drunk again. I also believe it's not worth to 借酒消愁 coz the aftermath is u become more 愁 with the hangover. haha.

3:06 PM  

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