Sunday, March 27, 2005

Being Honest

Been so busy lately...yet i'm still here blogging...coz i'm bored. Juz finished watching a foreign, think french, film "love me, if you dare" on scv... It's not as if i got nothing to do. I've a total of 3 presentations this coming wk (thur n fri). 1 for biz comm and 2 for my accounting core modules and i'm not really prepared. I've got the subject matters but too lazy to start writing my scripts. That's me...always procrastinating my work.

"1 of the most precious things in the world is being able to speak freely without offence. Being able to be honest is only possible as far as the other person lets you." I totally agree with this quote of my fren. Definitely, I feel good being able to speak truthfully and freely but sometimes I juz hafta lie. Frankly, I can't rem how many lies I have told since my very 1st lie. When and what was my 1st lie? I can't rem too... Many a time after lying, we often give excuses to justify them as 'white' lies so we'll feel more assured of having a clear conscience. How absurd...yet this is human nature...and certainly a way of survival...


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