Monday, April 04, 2005

My Recent Addiction in Reading Bks.....

Out of nowhere, I started reading bks...

It juz happened a few mths ago, when I am on ORD leave. Having nothing to do and being too poor to buy myself a Mp3 player to entertain myself while travelling, I pick up a few bks from West Mall book store ( that 1 besides the food court 1 lor ) and to kill time on travels lor...

At first, it's just to meet target... Cuz the book store only allow renting for 2 mths... If not have to pay full price for the bk... Saving money is of utmost importance as my stable allowance from the government coffer had become something of the past, heneforth, I make an effort to read a few page every day lor....

But then, it's till I picked up Dan Brown's famous 'Da Vinci Code' that I realise what I have been missing out.... His style of writing is easy to comprehend, yet captivating.... U just won't understand til u start reading lor...

My stage of addiction for reading had ballooned overnight ever since... Yesterday, I just spent 6 hrs reading Dan's another title.... Within 2 days, today inclusive, I had finished 481 / 583 pages of his novel... Kind of a feat bah... Quite sure I can finish by tomolo.... (3 days to finish a 583 page novel leh = Zhai Sia )

For those out there who think that you can spare a little free time, maybe it's time to pick up some interesting bk to read in order to kick start this wonderful habit...

Dan Brown is quite a wise choice bah...

'Reading Bk is like watching a movie unfold, but then in Words lor....'


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