Monday, April 11, 2005

Do what you want. Life's too short!!

Last Monday was the first day of my job as i've said in earlier posts. Before getting this job, I was really desperate for job. Seeing one by one in our class getting employed, I'm really in a desperate state. At that time i thought money was so so so important that I'm actually willing to take on any job. Manual, labour, night-shift and even lowly-paid, i am willing to take!!! So when an agency called me to offer me this filing clerk job in NUH, i accepted w/o second thought.

After a week of work, i realised that i was so so wrong. Money isn't the most important thing right now man!!! It's about enjoying. ABout living your life fully, doing what you want and what you like. I cannot stand the type of life that everyday i have to wake up early, go to my work place and doing the same thing over and over again for 4 months!!! IT's damn torturous!!!

I finally realised that this 4 months is really a wel-deserved break for us!!! We've given all our mental and physical strength for the past 2.5 years to the army, to our nation!! If the govt think that giving us 4 months before going to Uni to re-charge our battery, then we shld just follow their policy!!! I believe that holiday is really aperiod for us to rest and do things we like! Would we have another chance like this in the rest of our life that we can rest so care-free, without worry??? I doubt so. So I quitted my job today after a week at work. I've decided to do something useful and meaningful for this period.

To start all this, I decided to buy myself smth. I've not bought something i like for very long liao.... So i went to Music Junction to buy the Band of Brothers DVD at $69.90 only!!!! I've always wanted to watch this series since my days in OCS, but i dun have the chance to. I think it's about time to buy it liao since it's price dropped from $128 2years ago to $108 more than a year ago and $88 around a year ago and now$69.90. I dun think it will drop any further, so ok, i'll buy it and watch it now man!!! YEAH!!!!

The next thing i'll do is to learn driving!! i've come to this point knowing that it's actually an essential skill to acquire. It'll be stupid if next time it happened that i didn't qualify for a job cos i didn't have a driving license. It'll be damn lame right!! So i think i'll go down to BBDC tmr to sign up with them, then hopefully can get my license before school starts.

To acquire another skill. Ya, i've bought the drum set in my OCS days, i'll touch it once or twice a week, but not be able to play smth really nice!! So in order not to put the whole drum set ionto waste, i will take up a course on learning drum as well.... Personal enrichment and so on....

Going oversea. Ya, it's confirmed that i'll go back to Hong Kong for a week in early june with my family!!! Just to visit my relatives and to walk around lor.... Long time didn't go back... No april fool jokes, I'll be back in Singapore and continue my life here. HAHA. Then hopefully if time allows, i can squeeze in one more trip, to go to Mt Kinabalu with OSK. Hopefully it wont clash with my HK time la....

Ok, finally just wanted to add some thoughts after hearing the death of Jingwei.... Shell-shocked indeed. Life is precious adn fragile as well. Really hard to believe that someone that we saw everyday for four years in our life just left us like that. YA and as life is so short and unpredictable. I think we shld live it to the maximum. Just take it in your own interpretation. Live your dream, dare to dream and eventually one day you really leave this world, you will have no regret.

I think one must be generous to himself. I always believe in pampering myself by buying a lot of stuff that i like!!! I dun see the point of saving for rainy days.... I actually support euthanasia. Once u contracted some incurable or chronic disease like kidney failure or cancer or syphilis, i dun think there's any point to carry on living. No point for you to drag your life, prolong the suffering and wasting money!!! I dun believe in modern medicine. No way they can cure a person!!! Even that certain part of your body recovered, the other parts will start failing as well. No point saving up all your life, restricting your every spending spree just for your future medication use!! I would rather live happily and spend happily when i can and died immediately once my body is failing.

ok, that's it for now. today actually very tired, so the idea, sentence-structurea n everything of this post is not veyr well-linked but heck la!!!!

Song for Today : Candle in the Wind by Elton John

Current Mood : RIP Jingwei.....


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