Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Kim, The Pissed Off

Hi guys, its me Kim again…ok this post as the title suggests is for me to vent my frustration at my superiors, so be warned that it will contained vulgar language…yah…if you cant stand it, please do not carry on reading liao…the rest please carry on and share my fucking anger and frustration….

Ok…as you guys may know…I’m a going to be ORD personnel…so I have been planning and looking at my leave forecast over and over again, waiting for the day when I start to clear my leave…well, finally when the day is within my grasp, which is next Monday….something fucking bad happened… actually it’s two things… 1) Originally, me and 2 other officers are suppose to clear leave together, so we planned our leave such that at any one time when there is training, one of us will be here to take control of the situation…yah…so this fucking major who happens to be our chief trainer who happens to be addressed as Major Rozario…told us that he want all three of us to be present on all the training days…reason being that he want us to guide the new birds…I mean what the fuck man, isn’t one of us enough to handle the new guys, why must all three of us come back and do such stupid and inefficient stuff….this is really fucking screwed up….fucking hell….I hope he will meet an accident on his way home man…fucking (hokkien vulgarities)…..ok so never mind….being the obedient soldiers and disciplined officers that we are, we obliged and changed our leave forecast to fit in his stupid request….so in the end we managed to squeeze in all our leave into days where there is no training and luckily no leave is kanna burned….so once again we looked forward to clearing our leave according to a revamped leave forecast when a second fucked-up decision is made my chief trainer again…what the fuck man….2) ok …so the second issue is just now the fucked – up Major saw one of the ORD officers and told him that he got to burn our leave because in the month of May, there is a lot of training coming up and he will need all the ORD-ed personnel to come back and conduct training….regardless whether you are on leave anot…I mean what fucked-up decision is that? He made it sound like leave is a privilege and he expect us as officers to burn our leave so that he will not be kanna fucked by his superior for not having enough people to conduct his fucking training….halo Major Rozario…Listen carefully….Leave is a fucking entitlement… the reason why we cleared our leave only now is because we have been working our fucking asses off for the camp during the past few months and so we didn’t have a chance to clear the leave so it’s not some kind of fucking attitude problem displayed by some fucking ORD-ed officers, get this fucking straight in your small head…. Moreover, there are the new officers coming in so why must you still make us conduct training? Sooner or later, we got to hand over to them so its better that they learned now then when after we left, they know shit about training….if you insist on wanting us to come back, then for fuck our understudies are for…. Got it? Major Rozario, Sir?

Well, so basically, that’s what our chief trainer is doing to us right now…actually, there are still a lot of nitty gritty things but I shall not mentioned it here because it will take up too much space… so now, me and the two officers decided that, since our chief trainer played bastard until lidat, then we will also played bastard loh… he do chu yi, so we do shi wu loh….we will do stunts and be the next generation of Jackie Chan….haha…first stunt: we will played the M.C stunt ….that is we will take M.C during training days….as long as we played by the guidelines, he can do fucking shit about us….second stunt: we will play the commander stunt…that is go straight to commander and tell him the problem and see what he will do about it…. And finally the last stunt: the SAF hotline stunt…haha…need I explain further? So that is all from me…. Just a parting word: Major Rozario, we will fight and we will not give up… y? because we are OFFICERS OF THE SAF….

Current Song: Vindicated by Dashboard Confessional

Current Mood: Pissed Off


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